We are so excited about our redesigned website and shopping cart and we hope you will be too.
- Wishlist – We now have a Wishlist so you can save your favorite items
- Reorder button – Always order the same thing from us? You can reorder entire orders with just one button
- Item Suggestions – We know we have a lot of products so our new cart will suggest things that other customers always have bought when they were buying the same thing you are
And of course, there’s the facelift. We hope you like how we’ve integrated SoapQueen.com, Teachsoap.com and SoapQueen.TV into the Bramble Berry site.
When you come to the site, the first thing you’ll notice are the big buttons at the top. They are a paired down selection of products we carry in each category. They are designed for new crafters who might need some suggestions on how to get started. If you’re an expert soaper or have been to Bramble Berry more than once and know our product line, just head straight down to the left hand side. We’ve kept our categories pretty much the same with just a few tweaks. The biggest change is that we’ve integrated the Cybilla fragrances into our regular line. When you scroll over categories, a pop up comes up to take you even closer to the item that you’re looking for. Or you can just click on the Category to see everyhing it has.
To order something, click either the ‘Add to Cart’ button or the ‘More Details’ button. The ‘More Details’ button often has notes, like how a fragrance acts in cold process soap or how to use a special colorant.
Once you have the ‘Add to Cart’ button clicked, you go to your cart. You can click off of the cart by using the left hand navigation products or by hitting the ‘Continue Shopping’ button.
Once you are ready to check out, you can click on the ‘My Cart’ button on the top left or ‘Basket’ button on the very top right. Type in your address and shipping information. Hit the ‘Continue’ button.
A shopping cart option shows up, giving you the chance to enter a coupon code, use the ‘gift’ option, and choose your shipping. You have three options for shipping: Fed Ex Ground, Priority Mail or Fed Ex 2 Day Air. If you’d like another option, please mention it in the NOTES section on the next screen or call us at 1-87-SOAP-STUFF to place your order with a special shipping method (pallet options, barge or UPS).
Hit the Pay with Credit Card button, or the PayPal button depending on which method you are checking out with. You can also check out with a Money Order option or by calling in your credit card. Use the buttons to choose one of these options. Enter your credit card or PayPal information and hit ‘Pay with XXXXX’ (credit card, PayPal, Money Order or Pay Via Phone).
Your order confirmation screen appears. You can add any notes on this screen for your order. If you’d like to make a change to your order, please call us no later than 4 hours after you’ve placed your order. We will do everything we can to get that change made if your order hasn’t already been packed.
I can hardly wait to get your feedback on our new cart. Please let me knowwhat you think and how you’d like me to improve on it to make your Bramble Berry shopping experience more seamless.
I like to choose my items over several days or longer. Every time I come back to my cart the items I have previously placed there are gone. How long do items remain in the cart? Is there anything I can do to keep items in my cart? Thanks.
That sounds so super frustrating. Have you tried logging into your account yet? If that doesn’t keep things in your cart, I’d try clearing your cache and restarting your browser. We use Google Chrome and we have found that it keeps things in our shopping cart. I hope this helps! 🙂
-Becky with Bramble Berry
Hello Anne-Marie!
I really love your products and the prices! Most often I can order from Bramble Berry at prices far below what I can find locally, so thank you for that.
The only thing I can think of that MIGHT improve this lovely website is that when something is added to the cart (or wishlist) is that one might not be taken to the cart or wishlist. Instead a small flag that comes up that says “Added to cart” or “Added to wishlist” and one can stay on that page and navigate elsewhere. This would be especially time-saving if one were ordering several items of one type or another.
Thanks for your time and for all the knowledge you share with us!
Thank you so much for your suggestion, Gloria. We really appreciate it when our customers take the time to let us know what we can do to help improve their experiences with us. I’ll pass this on to our team!
-Becky with Bramble Berry
Hi Anon,
I totally understand. I like to know just what I'm getting into with shopping carts too. The way getting accurate shipping quotes works is simple:
it's based on distance traveled + weight of package
The shopping cart can't talk to Fed Ex and give it the 'distance traveled' portion without figuring out where you live.
So, that's why you have to give us your address before we are able to give you an accurate shipping quote. We've always prided ourselves for the last 12 years on giving accurate shipping quotes that are what you would get on the Fed Ex site and one of the ways we can do this is by having full and accurate information to give the quote from.
I hope this helps you to understand why we need accurate shipping information to get you a realistic shipping quote.
I prefer to know shipping before all of my info is entered.
way to go, mama!
P.S. Where do you get your thin pyrex glass measuring cups you use in your Soap Queen TV videos? Are they sold at Brambleberry? All I can get here is the thick heavier ones.
Thanks for replying after I wrote this it dawned on me that you probably had everything at Otion. That's wonderful news, I love Washington so it's a great excuse to drive down and do some shopping while I'm there.
Thanks for the comment on the soap, it's actually Tea Tree and I just changed the photo of it as there used to be a Vanilla Musk photo there. Off to change the name now.
PS – I love the Vanilla Musk photo on your home page. It's a gorgeous swirl.
Thanks for stopping by. Yes, we have a retail store where you can sniff to your heart's content and look at all the colors and molds in person.
The website for the store is http://www.otionsoap.com and they are currently open M-S, 10-6 on week days and 10:30-5:30 on Saturday. Their phone number is 360.676.1030
Pricing is around 5-10% higher at the store for smaller sizes of products but it's cheaper than shipping in almost all cases so it works out. =)
See you there soon!
I love your new website and may be a potential new customer as I live on Vancouver Island. My only comment is I'm not crazy about the background of the website but other than that I love everything on the main page (links to teachsoap, your blog, your Soap Queen TV, recipes, icons on top. It's very appealing to a new customer but I was hooked by your blog before that.
Do you give tours or have a storefront as I'd love to drive down there as it's close to the border? Then I could sniff FO's I've never tried before.
Thank you so much for your comments. I appreciate your candor.
Not to worry, we have Citric Acid. You can find it here:
Ignore the horrific photo. Those all need to be retaken slowly and fixed over time (long, big project).
The fragrance oil description is a HUGE change and I like it better the way it was too so I'm on your side. I'll keep working on that – I just worry about the pages getting too long – so maybe like the first line or something of the fragrance description at least?
Web Site Contact Message – on it – must find it and program it correctly. =)
Thank you for your amazing candor. Keep it coming – the good, the bad and the ugly.
Bathcake, Thanks for the broken link update. There will be a few of them so keep those awesome eagle eyes coming. =)
My boyfriend always sees me looking at your site. Imagine my surprise when I walked in from work today and he asked me if I knew that Brambleberry re-designed their site!
Totally Awesome!
Guess I'm in the minority, I liked the old site better. I thought the original pale green background was more pleasing than the white. Plus, I liked to read the descriptions alongside items (particularly the fragrance oils) rather than having to click on the "More Details" button. Made purchasing more interesting and less time-consuming/static. I don't like the "back-&-forth" method of shopping.
Also, where, oh where, is the Citric Acid???? Please tell me it is an oversight and that it will be available soon!! If Bramble Berry has discontinued it (horrors!), will Otion still carry it? Your price was the best anywhere for citric acid.
I sent these same comments to the "Web Site Contact Message" on the site, but it was returned to me as undeliverable. Not sure what that is all about.
Sorry to be the negative voice! The products from Bramble Berry are still the BEST, as is the CEO!!
Leslie (who is not anonymous, but cannot figure out why her Google Account won't allow her access!!)
Simply elegant and stunning!
I've shopped here many times over the years, and as a recent blog and twitter follwer I had to swing by to see the new look when I heard the news. I LOVE IT!
~Alethea Anderson
I can't wait to place my next order!
I stand by my first link that its a beautiful site. However, I did just hit a bad link. 🙁 Clicking on the picture on the front page for cold process soap, then clicking on the "easy soap recipe" and it brings me to a 404 error. I use Firefox.
The site looks great. Very Exciting. Congratulations!
Looks like some fantastic changes Anne-Marie…way to go!!!!
If you click the 'More Details' button, the descriptions pop up. But yes, we definitely need to work on making that more obvious.
Your new site is awesome! But what about the descriptions of your fragrance oils? They helped me a lot!
Thanks for the feedback everyone.
Hearts, I don't think we can go back to change the payment method because at that point, the payment has already been captured off your card. And, if the back button worked, we'd charge you twice =)
Rachel, Silk Powder? I had not planned on it but we do have Liquid Silk which is easier (IMO) to use in liquids and in soap:
Are you working on body powders by chance?
I love the new site! It's such a great set up, so clear, and so beautiful! Great job!!! I'm sure I"ll be purchasing more micas from your site shortly so I'll get a chance to try it out!
By the way, Are you planning on selling silk powder and silica powder any time soon? I couldn't find them on your site…
Thanks and congrats on the great new design!
Looks great! I know that was a *lot* of hard work- congrats!
I am so excited!! The site looks great :)… Now I have to buy something 😉
The new site is so visually appealing; the top bar is both clean and cute. And I really like having the vines down both sides so the content is centered (it's the organizer in me I guess). Just a really great overhaul–take what worked and improve on the look. And yes, I'm excited about the wishlist too. No more forgetting to order something and making panicked calls to Holly!
Looks great – the only thing I would suggest would be a way to go back to the payment options to change those if you wish to. Other than that, I love the site. Just placed my first order with you guys. Can't wait to get my stuff! 🙂
Loving the new layout! Everything is really easy to find, and I love the wish list feature. 🙂
i just put in an order and now i just might have to do another to try all your toys!
Awesome! I love the new shipping options (Priority mail is so much faster for me!) and Paypal. The wish list is a big plus too. Now, I won't have to hunt down my paper list.
I just placed an order the other day and I was thinking about how much I love the new cart. I have used it before, so all my info is already loaded. So easy!!
The new site was not up then, so now I have to go play with it. I am very excited about the wish list!
I'm so excited about the wish list!
That is one beau-ti-ful website- very nicely done! So pleasing to the eye- and easy to navigate.
You have done a wonderful job! I just LOVE it!
Just a thought- on the pale green heading it would be nice to see the Bramble Berry leaves you had on the original website- they were very charming.
Wow! It looks great!!
I love the new website! Even as someone who has been to Bramble Berry many many times before, the site feels much easier to navigate. Excellent work!
Wow, that looks really nice!
Nicely done! The new website looks great and I really like the way you've made a clear link to the blog. Congrats on a job well done!