If you get Daytime TV (not sure if you do? It’s primarily in the Southeast; check here to see if you have it in your area), Bramble Berry’s Mineral Eye Make Up kits will be on the show Aging Backwards with Jackie Silver tomorrow, Friday, October 10.
Who knew that our cool crafty eye shadow kitwould be considered anti-aging? I’m off to make myself a whole vat of it!
You’re going to be on TV??! That is soooooo exciting. I hope you are able to grab a YouTube of it so we can all join in the fun and be impressed by your calm yet witty and interesting demeanor. =)
Good luck! You’ll do great.
Way to go Anne-Marie! You’re such an inspiration!
That's so awesome! Your make up kit is on of my fav. playthings! C~G's right… Your star is rising!
Coincidentally, I'm channeling my inner Anne-Marie this morning, hoping that I can be calm, inspiring & entertaining when I make soap for a spot on the evening news for our Burlington station!
Anne Marie~ You certainly are on your way to becoming a household name! Move over Martha~
I’m so gonna look for this. I’ve been dying to start playing around with mineral makeup. I have all the ingredients, hehe, I just need to figure out what to do with them!
I’m Excited and I can point to the screen and say “I KNOW HER!”
PJ’s brush with greatness 🙂