It’s been two weeks since I asked everyone what their S.M.A.R.T. Goals were for this year. Wow, the post was flooded with responses; over than 250 responses. Reading everyone’s goals for the year was inspiring!
There were so many excellent goals that it was a difficult decision to choose just three. I loved how thought out many of them were – and the balance between personal, family and business goals. My inner cheerleader is rooting for you all! I hope that just writing the goals in S.M.A.R.T. format was helpful for everyone, and I look forward to hearing about everyone’s progress throughout the year (yes, expect more S.M.A.R.T. Goals posts — we’re all in this together!)
After reading your goals through several times, I was finally able to select a few winners (but man oh man, it was hard! You guys had some amazing goals). The goals below were chosen because they fit the S.M.A.R.T. format and/or tugged at a place in my heart. Please keep in mind that there are hundreds (yes, hundreds!) of fantastic goals, and I encourage everyone to revisit the original post and read through all of the ambitious goals listed. Hopefully it will give you motivation to push through any slumps!
Winners are in no particular order, and some of these goals were quite lengthy so I’ve posted abbreviated versions here. Click the person’s name to return to the original post and read their goals in full. Also, something about a “Public Declaration” really helps me reach my goals so I hope that Jakob, Alena & Timmi feel the same way because here are their goals, excerpted for all to read. Go team!
Winner #1: Jakob M.
Jakob’s soapy Facebook page, Triple Spiral
“By September 1, 2015 I’ll weigh 215 pounds (which is down 60 pounds from my current weight, which is 6 pounds a month).
How I will reach that goal:
– Improving my diet.
– Increase my physicality.
– Work on my mental health
Nutrition goal: I will improve my diet by eliminating junk.
How I will reach that goal-
1. Eliminate soda from my diet completely.
2. Limit fast food to once a week until February 1, then every other week until May 1, then once a month.
3. When craving sweets, I’ll limit it to one snack a day, anything more than that will be substituted with fruit.”
Winner #2: Timmi
Ivy Coreen Bath & Body
1) I’m not dieting this year! I have battled with my weight since childhood and I’ve decided that this year I’m not setting myself up for the same failure. Instead I’ve decided to change my outlook on food. It’s gonna be a work in progress but it’s time to take the leap.
2) I’m going to spend more time with my kids. For anyone who knows me personally that may sound nuts. I homeschool my kids and work from home so there is very little time when I’m not “with” them. But I often forget to make time to just be their mom. I want that back in my life. My four little girls will be all grown up before I know it.
3) I’m going to get back into yoga at least 3 times a week. Even if it’s only for 15 minutes I’ve gotta start somewhere.
4) I am vowing to organize my house. Running a business and a school from your home can make for some serious clutter. It drives me nuts. So I’m going to get it under control.”
Winner #3: Alena S.
Alena’s Blog
1)Divorce my phone and my electronics ~ I’ve already gotten rid of my cable/satellite/home phone. I’m ready by the end of February to divorce my phone/computer and use it as an accessory not as a first aide!
Physical plans
1) Run a half marathon by end of summer
1) We attend our church once a week and my daughter volunteers in the nursery, but I want us to start going to the 9am service so we both can do this as a mother daughter event. I have put in applications for both me and my son, we go to a megachurch so there’s always a need. My son can help out in the kids room too! It would be great socializing for him as well.
Company goals:
1) Finish my LLC license (umm today..I’ve just got to press submit, but I’m OCD about paperwork being correct)”
For the winners: please email [email protected] to claim your prize. The three winners will choose between a $100 gift certificate to Bramble Berry, an 18-Bar Birchwood Mold & liner or a box of my favorite fragrance and essential oils.
Thanks again to everyone who told us about their goals! How has your progress been so far — are you still on track?
Tip: If you’ve got an iPhone, I am in love with a to-do list app called Carrot. It’s a super fun app that definitely helps keep me on track to meet my own goals!
Wow I won- a $5 coupon :O every bit counts though! I wish I had been one of the big winners! I would have gone through that $100 coupon in a flash! Congrats to the winners! … And if they don’t want their prize I’ll take it 😉
Hi Leanna!
Thanks so much for sharing your goals with us!
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
Congratulations to the winners! How exciting!!
I downloaded carrot last night and I am loving it so far! It is so funny! Thanks for the suggestion.
Hi Aimee!
I’m so glad you’re enjoying the Carrot app! 🙂
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
WOW…I have seriously never won anything! This is awesome! And just when i needed it. I will now be selling my products both in California and the KY Horse Park (which if you love the KY derby this is a big deal) THANK YOU SO MUCH!
BTW completed the LLC, and got the 2 million in liability insurance. Goal already completed!
Also, down to only 30 min of social media time a day!!!!
Lost 2 lbs from exercising everyday. (don’t try this at home. I was just diagnosed with multiple sclerosis so I have to exercise everyday otherwise my neurologist said he would be upset! lol)
I’m down to 1 cup of a coffee a day, and 1/2 bottle of coke.
Me and the kids are now playing a game everyday. Yesterday it was Jenga and we have a planet puzzle we are completing.
I’m also SOOOO going to download the new app you talked about called Carrot.
YAY!!! Excited!
God Bless!!!!
Congrats, Alena! That’s great.
Now tell me how you got social media down to 30 minutes a day. 🙂 It’s definitely one of my bad habits. Like right now!
Hi Alena!
Thanks again for sharing your goals with us, and it sounds like you’re already doing a great job achieving them! Can’t wait to see what you make with your prize, congrats! 🙂
lol to be honest? Every morning I get up so early bc my son starts school at 7:30. It’s hard for me because of the Multiple Sclerosis…although I just recently got diagnosed so i thought it was my laziness! lol Anyhow, on my way back I always say a prayer for his safety because he’s moderately autistic and at 11 is about 7 years old. I started saying goals outloud for the day.
*I will hug my children when I walk in the house
*I will not get upset by my tweens attitude
*I will cook a hot breakfast, eat lunch, and cook dinner every night
*I will only get on facebook to see updates
*I will not browse political and controversial campaigns
*I will realize that other’s have differing opinions
*I will forgive easily
*I will not harbor resentment
*I will grow my business through my products not through buying adds
*I will make 30 minutes for myself
Anyhow, I have about 50 that I say. It started out with… *I will not get upset at my tweens attitude
Sounds crazy, but worked. So I started adding in other personal ramblings. And because I complete everything on my personal list I don’t have time for facebook. My biggest one is this though that has helped me.
*I will let my fiance help me
*I will try to not control every situation
*I will respond like men do, with very few words
*I will shrug off other people’s comments
after a few weeks, you believe what you say, you start doing it and BAM…more quality time for yourself….less on worrying about others…and much happiness!!!!!