Greetings from the amazing and fabulous Miramonte Resort in Palm Springs, California. I’m here for the Soap Guild Annual Conference and so excited to see all the familiar faces.

I am embarrassed to admit how much cheese I ate. There was some left and it is shoved into my mini-fridge in the room for tomorrow’s midnight snack.
Tomorrow is a big day with a keynote by Erin Brokovich, a media presentation by Donna Maria Coles Johnson and a variety of breakout classes, including Melt and Pour by Lisa from Feto Soaps and yours truly for Lotions. I can’t wait to share the details with you.
i wish i could have gone this year. maybe next year.
I wish I could be there!! Hopefully next year’s conference will be closer by!
Megan, So glad you made it to Otion and three cheers that you liked it. Yippeeee!
And Soap Scent-sations, this group is the nicest group of people you will ever meet. It is such an inspirational meet up. I hope you can make it next year.
what a wonderful group to be amongst! and the food looks divine!
We’re so glad you’re here Anne-Marie, it’s always a pleasure to see you!
Leigh O’Donnell
HSMG Conference Coordinator
Well I love cheese, so that looks like an awesome snack! And I hope you continue to have an excellent time.
I forgot to tell you, I finally made it to Otion (I’m from So Cal), I dragged my old roommate from Issaquah to Bellingham just to make soap. And she loved it! You have a wonderful shop and I loved making soap there!
Sounds like it’s all good where you are.
What an inspiration you are x
look at all those pretty boxes!
i so hope you can somehow teach those of us who could not go…..
have a great time!
meanwhile, some of us are working on summer baskets, trouble-shooting bleeding vs. non-bleeding. it is a whole new universe and i must say it is challenging! 🙂
Sounds like so much fun, enjoy!
Have a wonderful time Anne Marie….come hell or high water, I’m coming to the next Annual Conference…I hope!!!
Sounds like you all are going to have a blast over the next few days. I can’t wait unti it’s close enough for me to travel to.
Wow, looks great Anne Marie! Wish I was in Palm Springs with you all! Be sure to say hi to all my fellow soap crafters!
I am there in spirit with you all!
Have a great time!
Looks yummy! Sounds like you are having a good time already. :o)