You may have noticed recently that Bramble Berry’s Facebook page has changed just a little bit. You also may have wondered what happened to all the old features and where they went! Never fear, we are here to answer those questions for you.
As of March 30th of this year, Facebook permanently rolled out the new timeline feature, changing all pages from the original Facebook format to the new timeline format. There are so many new and exciting ways you can use timeline. We have some helpful hints on how to navigate the new timeline as well as making your page work for you.
One big change in the new timeline is the interface of the commenting feature. It is no longer featured as part of your main page. The new and sleek commenting interface has given customer comments a new life! This way, you can efficiently find, respond and answer all of your comments. It may seem that at first the comments section may be a little difficult to find. All you need to do is go to the front page of the timeline you are looking at and find a little button that looks like this:
To find this button, you will need to look below the the main cover photo and menu of choices (About, Photos, Likes, Videos, & Notes). This button may also be under the header, ‘Highlights,’ ‘Friend Activity,’ or ‘Posts by Others’. What you need to do to access the comments is select the tab that reads ‘Highlights,’ so that your page will look like this:
If you glance to the right, you will see the section entitled ‘Recent Posts by Others on Bramble Berry.’ It comes with a handy little ‘See All’ button, which will guide you to see all comments made on the page.
Ta-da, there you have it! Comments made easy and organizable. See? So simple, so easy and you have comments in an easy, efficient and organized manner.
Pinning is a fantastic new feature of the Facebooks timeline. It allows you to ‘pin’ a post to the top of your page, so that if you have an announcement or message you want your customers to see it will stay there for up to 7 days! This means, you’re unlikely to miss any major news from Bramble Berry, even if you only visit once every few days.
To Pin a post on your own page for your business, click on the right side of the post you would like pinned. Select the ‘Pin to Top’ option. This will then ‘push’ the post to the top of the page and highlight it with an orange flag .
Starring posts is a great way to bring attention to pictures and specific posts on your timeline. Let’s say you have a fabulous picture of a soap that you have created and you really want people to see it. To star a post, click on the . After highlighting the post, this action will cause the post to expand so that you can emphasize it on your wall.
Apps are the newest and freshest feature of the Facebook timelines. Currently there are several dozen apps that are tried and true, some of which include Pinterest, Spotify and Hulu. With this fun feature you are able to link several of the social media sites that you use for your business into your Facebook timeline page.
Here at Bramble Berry we are learning these new features of the Facebook timeline right along side you. We are eager to hear about how you are using your timelines to grow your business! Let us know – because, we’re all doing this change together and can learn from each other.
Thanks for this informative and positive post. I’ve seen lots of negative comments on the new Facebook format, none of which were helpful or enjoyable to read. I appreciate your upbeat positive post, the way you embrace the change, and your helpful tips on how to make the new format work for us.
You not only provide wonderful products and fantastic customer service, but you help your customers build their own businesses. Thanks, Anne-Marie, for being such a terrific and motivational role model!
Thanks to the entire Bramble Berry Team for all you do!
Change is always hard, but if we can make it easier on our customers, we want to do that!
-Becky with Bramble Berry
Thank you so much for this very simple explanation of the timeline. I find it all very confusing, but now am a little more confident I can manipulate my timeline to better suit my needs and purposes! Thanks again!!!
Just want to say thank you so much for your always informative and current posts! I learn a little more from every one of them – thanks for your hard work and amazing products! I couldn’t do what I do with you and your company 🙂