Just in case you don’t follow me on Twitter, I read a bunch of articles almost daily (reading is my favorite hobby besides soapmaking) and tweet out the ones I think could be helpful to other people. Since a lot of them are small business related, I thought you might enjoy a recap of last week.
Social media is an amplifier of traditional media sources and not a trend unto itself? Research proves it?http://ow.ly/3ZNaq
Tips to managing your multi-generational workforce: http://ow.ly/3ZNck
Confused expectations – or why communication is key between all levels of leaders in your org: http://ow.ly/3ZNdd
RT @Flipbooks: 25 Women-Run Startups to Watch (#FastCompany) http://bit.ly/wmnstartups rt @ShaunaCausey
Chargebacks drive us crazy too! How can a small biz manage to combat them? http://ow.ly/3ZNe8
” If you stay overwhelmed with activity you are not doing a good job.” Schedule time to think: http://ow.ly/3ZNh2
RT @welivesimply @zen_habits: On zenhabits: Create Your Own Dream Job http://is.gd/aNIwqm
Top 10 Etiquette blunders (I frequently break #1. I need to be better.) http://ow.ly/3ZNic
“Our job is to build playgrounds.” An interview with the CEO of FailBlog, ICanHazCheezburger: http://ow.ly/3ZN3q
How to reclaim your time (my fave? “You can’t do everything that is asked of you and succeed.”): http://ow.ly/3ZNjZ
So, just exactly who sets the color trends for the year? Turns out, it’s a group of anonymous 10: http://ow.ly/3ZNJH
RT @essentialU: False Information is Harmful:: Just Ask Paul Penders http://bit.ly/iabY5I #cosmetics
Are you a female CEO? Should you read the “Art of War?” This blogger thinks so: http://ow.ly/40vkQ
Reading up on the Facebook Business Homepage updated look: http://ow.ly/40vL1 There are some definite new features to learn as a page admin.
Facebook official Pages manual: http://ow.ly/40vPV Useful for admins or new businesses joining FB to review.
Not getting paid enough? There are 2 potential reasons for that:http://ow.ly/40w61 (Godin on being special and irreplaceable).
Is measuring the value of your company by “payroll bloat” misleading? http://ow.ly/41ZOO
5 things to never say when negotiating (for the record, #5 seems like a no-brainer): http://ow.ly/421Pd
Packaging as marketing – a great reason to re-examine your packaging: http://ow.ly/423sR
Bramble Berry News
Wondering how to capitalize on the latest gnome-centric trend? Gnome mold: http://ow.ly/3PGwd
Guest Medieval Fleur de Lis Tray Mold – new! – http://ow.ly/3PGAi
RT @indieassist: Adorable glitter sorbet soap tutorial from today’s featured INDIE @soapylove via @brambleberryhttp://cot.ag/hJuMp0
New Mold at Bramble Berry: http://ow.ly/41w9v Abstract Leaves
Sneak Peek! The next Lovin’ Soap E-Zine hits stands soon: http://bit.ly/e42pgK
New mold at Bramble Berry – Single Loaf Mold: http://ow.ly/41waB
Bramble Berry added Pomace Olive Oil (perfect for #soapmaking) to our line of oils: http://ow.ly/41zoJ
Bramble Berry just added Powdered Goat Milk to its line up of products: http://bit.ly/eXrIBK
Fun, Health and other Distractions
My parents are wild ‘n’ crazy – their 3 month travel adventure to New Zealand: http://ow.ly/42jAD
RT @BobPritchett: I confess, I am not yet tired of riffs on the Old Spice commercials; this one is fun: http://bit.ly/fo1skW
Activity does not equal value + they pay you for the part of the work you hate – reclaiming your energy at work: http://ow.ly/3ZNkQ
The effective but boring routine of living a great marriage: http://ow.ly/3ZNKq (Talk less, lose weight, put out, dishes & strategy)
RT @justcommodities: Giant cup pouring coffee wins The Woods downtown art contest http://bit.ly/gnEM7f (so cool!)
5 ways to raise a grateful child: http://ow.ly/40HTI
Be yourself, be happy and be successful – the connection between authenticity and happiness: http://ow.ly/4217N
Checking out http://babyshusher.com/ – Baby Shusher – an iPhone App to calm crying babies…
I’m changing my goals for Q1, mid-stream. Join me in refocusing your priorities today: http://bit.ly/hcS9ta
Although I really love my Nook, the Alex sounds cool. E-Reader Reviews: http://ow.ly/423k4
Have you seen the baby yoga video? http://ow.ly/423qC An interview with the yogi: http://ow.ly/423r1
Cut red meat to lower cancer risk http://usat.me?44163530
Quotes ‘Ya Missed
The respect of those who you respect is worth more than the applause of the multitude. – A. Glasow
The climb upward will be easier if you take others along with you. – Napoleon Hill
You have 2 choices in life: a] to find a way b] to make one. – P. Coelho
Labels are for filing. Labels are for clothing. Labels are not for people.- M.Navratilova
RT @health_club_: “The most delightful surprise in life is to suddenly recognize your own worth” ~ Maxwell Maltz
If everyone demanded peace instead of another television set, then there’d be peace. — John Lennon (1940-1980)
My early and invincible love of reading I would not exchange for all the riches of India.- E.Gibbon
“Better three hours too soon than a minute too late.” – William Shakespeare
The chains of habit are too weak to be felt until they are too strong to be broken. – Samuel Johnson
Could not help but laugh when you said reading and soapmaking – and I was thinking whether you like it or not – diaper changing will be right up there!
Isn’t that the truth? I’ve got 16 days worth of diapers for the 1st month and 30 days worth of diapers after he’s 10 pounds worth (I’m not sure how fast he’ll grow so I haven’t gotten more than 16 days of diapers for that first month!) but I know that I’m looking at 10 diapers per day. Ick! =) But at least it means he’s eating and growing, right?
love the recap!