First, a shameless plug: if you haven’t voted for us today in the Facebook challenge, please do. You can vote daily HERE; we really want to bring Soap University to you.
Thanks to all who participated in the #UniqueTops challenge! You can check out the winners here. There was such a great response to the challenge that in addition to our Facebook Album, I thought I’d post all of the entrants here as well. Get ready for inspiration overload! Psst: Craving another challenge? There’s still a week left to submit your entry for the #Packaging challenge!
every single soap is great and you at BB are great for investing so much energy and time in sharing all that beauty with your readers
We really loved all the soaps that have come in for this challenge (and all the other challenges as well) and really love the inspiration we get from all the creative soapers out there! 🙂
-Becky with Bramble Berry
Everytime I see one of these challenges, I am in complete awe of how talented people are. Absolutely amazing stuff, thanks for sharing.
There are some really pretty soaps here. The blue one on the second row on the right side caught my eye.
I loved that one too, it was so gorgeous! 🙂
-Becky with Bramble Berry
Thank you! That’s my Queen of Denial soap. Also, a big thank you to Becky who helped me figure out how to post the photo correctly.
-Leslee with RainTree Botanicals soaps
Oh no! I’m being overloaded with pretty soaps, I can’t take it!
Seriously though, every last one is lovely, cute or both. Great job, people!
Isn’t it fun? I love looking at all the soaps that our customers have made, it always gives me such great soapy inspiration! 🙂
-Becky with Bramble Berry