New items are rolling into the Bramble Berry warehouse what seems like every day! We are keeping busy finding shelf space for all the new goodies. Even with the shelf puzzles, we are finding 30 seconds to vote daily for Bramble Berry in the Fed Ex Grant Contest. We’d love your vote too so we can build a virtual Soap University! Vote HERE.
Here’s a round up of the latest additions to the Bramble Berry family:
Production Assistance
Pourable Silicone, E-Book Making Silicone Molds, DIY Pourable Silicone Kit with E-book
Packaging and Miscellaneous Tools
Top Row: Cube Box, KD7000 Scale, Powder Duster
Middle Row: Stackable Lip Pot – Cap, Stackable Lip Pot – Body, Stackable Lip Pot – Base
Bottom Row: Easy Pour Mixing and Measuring Container, Nail Polish Bottle, Balm Tin with Twist Top
Product Additions and Accessories
Top Row: Passion Fruit Jojoba Beads, Lapiz Blue Jojoba Beads, Lagoon Green Jojoba Spheres
Middle Row: Surplus Soap Rope – Green Gold, Surplus Soap Rope – Blue Gray, Surplus Soap Rope – Brown
Bottom Row: Aqua Pearl Mica, Antique Silver Mica, Washing Soda
5 Pound Mold With Sliding Bottom & Guest Tree Mold
Fragrance and Essential Oil
Bay Laurel Essential Oil and Cranberry Chutney Fragrance Oil
Will i be able to make a silicone mold for my 18 bar slab soap mold that i bought from you guys??,Cause the 5 lbs silicone that fits your mold is awesome to use. I would like one for my 18 bar slab mold.Or is there a way i can order one already made from you ??T he liner saves so much time from lining your mold.
Hi Delma! WE are currently working on one, but it might take upwards of 6-9 months. You can always make your own using our brand new DIY silicone mold kit!
Pourable Silicone:
-Becky with Bramble Berry
Mmm… pourable silicone sounds interesting. It is really that easy to make our own silicone moulds?
It really is, and it comes with instructions as well so that you can do it with ease! And, if you ever have any questions we are here to help.
-Becky with Bramble Berry
P.S. You can also get the Making Silicone Molds E-Book by Amanda Griffin of Lovin’ Soap that goes over (with pictures) how to use it.
E-Book Making Silicone Molds: