Thank you to my Dad for finding this educational tool online – Biz Kids$ is a PBS based show about kids who launch businesses, learn about money and want to teach other kids about lifelong financial responsibility.
Click here to learn more about the show. When you’re on the site, check out the Educational Tools button on the bottom right and start a dialogue with your kids about money, saving, and the power of compounding interest.
One of the best things that my parents did when I was younger was to teach my brother and I about money and investing. It’s been very helpful with owning my own business and also just in general for spending habits.
Thanks! I’m trying to get the kids excited about getting the home biz going so this will help!
OOO! You posted this for me! I haven’t heard of this show/site. It looks really cool. I linked it to 12yodd (the cake-making one.)
Thanks for the link!