You’ve heard that term right? “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas”? I think it was even their official promotional line at one point. Sure, it’s a funny line. And it gives soon-to-be-marrieds the excuse to get liquored up, wild, happy and craaaaazeeee in Vegas where apparently, all bets are off (or on, depending on your preference).
The thing about life is that:
how you do anything is how you do everything.
How you do the little things is how you do the big things. If you’re dishonest in one area of your life, you’re dishonest in other areas. If you’re lazy about one thing, you’ll be lazy about another thing. If you can’t share your authentic feelings at work, you don’t share your authentic feelings at home either.
Little things matter. How you live every moment of your life matters. If there’s one area of your life where you’re embarrassed about, think about the characteristcs and traits that make that little embarrassing part possible. Where else in your life do those characteristics hold you back? What little changes did you vow to make in January of this year that haven’t happened? How can you get yourself back on track and make a simple course correction?
How did you do on the ‘Tell Me More‘ challenge? I’ve almost got it incorporated fully into my life without even thinking about it now. So, how about another challenge? For the next 30 days, pick one trait that doesn’t serve you and start making the steps to change it. Baby steps in the right direction lead to momentous change over time.
These are really inspiring points — and I love how you tied them to the Vegas commercial. I have always been uneasy with the notion that things done in private stay private. They really do not. The truth always comes out one way or another and I have learned that it’s always best to be transparent and above board, even when I make mistakes (which I make a lot of …)
I have a distinct recollection of walking down the hall with you earlier this month on Capitol Hill, as we talked with Barney Frank’s staffer, and I heard you say to him, “Tell me more.” Good job! You really walk your talk. I am inspired by you!
These mini-challenges are great kicks to my butt. 🙂 I’m going to pick procrastination. I have many projects I need to get a move on with and I keep hanging out with the computer and not getting to the tasks.
Anne-Marie, you are such an inspiring and genuinely good individual. There are so many who admire you and your outlook on life. Thank you for sharing with us!