I’m on a business trip right now. I travel a lot – enough so that it’s not glamorous anymore. One of my favorite parts about traveling is that you just never know who you’ll meet. I’m a big fan of the ‘Never Eat Lunch Alone‘ concept. In a nutshell, it says that connections are your most important asset and you should go out of your way to make connections wherever you are. So, while I’m not obnoxious about it, I’m happy to chat anyone up when there’s an opportunity.
When you’re in business, it’s about putting yourself out there; not in an obnoxious way – in a friendly, helpful, approachable way. After all, you’ve got something that you know will help people – whether its awesome handmade soap or a killer marketing plan or a way to clean air – you’ve got something that solves someone’s problem. So, smile at the next person you see in the grocery store line, compliment them on their outfit, chat them up about what’s in their cart and start looking for opportunities to make new connections, wherever you are.
This is so helpful and I truly agree with your friend. I love to smile and help people in anyway I can. Everywhere I go people tell me that I am always smiling. I am a first time soapmaker and I am now beginning to start a small soapmaking business here in the south and I believe that this will be a blessing here. Thanks
I loved this article! You wouldn’t believe how many people really appreciate a great attitude and great smile. I work at Cap Hill Flowers in Seattle. Our customer service is some of the best. yes, everybody has bad days, but your clients (or potential clients) don’t want to know about it, or see it on your face. I believe in a great smile/awesome attitude and letting your clients know that they are important. My clients will always walk away with a smile on their face…:)
And, do you notice how surprised people are when you smile at them and they’re almost shocked – like “Hey, wow, someone that didn’t do a side glance and look away!”
Thanks! =) And thanks for being a reader.
I LOVE smiling at people and trying to bowl them over with my happy outlook. Getting smiles back recharge me and man, if I ever got a $138,000 contract out of it, you bet I’d be smiling all the time! Now, if my hubby gets any work from that one smile I made … well, I’ll be perma-grin. =)
You, anti-social? That is crazy talk. You are the sweetest, kindest person – you’re selling yourself short.
Can’t wait to see you in August for SWI. We have 10 people on the waiting list and it’s sold out! =)
Such great stories and great advice! I must say I can be very anti-social and more scary than friendly at times! No, really! I will think of this when the time is right!
I’m a shy person in nature, but I do believe in smiling at everyone – not to make connections, although I’m learning from you that it’s a great thing, but just to pass along some cheer.
Great post and such good advice to remember. Thanks Anne-Marie.
i’m 100% in agreement! smiles are free so I try to give out as many as possible every day