“I don't think that there are any limits to how excellent we could make life seem.” ― Jonathan Safran Foer, Everything is Illuminated … Continue Reading
Tutorials on soapmaking, bath fizzies, lotions and more
Filed Under: Personal Ramblings
“I don't think that there are any limits to how excellent we could make life seem.” ― Jonathan Safran Foer, Everything is Illuminated … Continue Reading
Filed Under: Cold Process Soap
We love a good challenge -- especially if it's a soapy challenge! The Great Cakes Soapworks Soap Challenge is a great way to experiment with new techniques and learn from other soapers, and we had such a great time participating in the Elemental Swirl and Leopard Spots challenges that we didn't … Continue Reading
Filed Under: Bramble Berry News
I think that one of best parts of soapmaking is the amazing community we're surrounded with -- it's a wonderful feeling to be able to meet other soapers, learn new techniques, exchange ideas, and receive encouragement and feedback to help our community learn and grow. After meeting so many … Continue Reading
Filed Under: Bath & Body Tutorials
With another Bramble Baby on the way (our Social Media Manager, Kristen, is due in October!) we decided to put a little spin our our original Whipped Belly Butter. We've supercharged this recipe with Tamanu Oil, Chia Seed Oil and Argan Oil, which are all known for their excellent moisturizing … Continue Reading
Filed Under: Business Musings
This week in the Bramble Business Series we are going to talk about one of the easiest ways to market your business -- setting up a Facebook business page. In this post, you will get a quick introductory tutorial on how to create your Facebook business page and more about how you can use your … Continue Reading
Filed Under: Personal Ramblings
Ah, Jamisen loves his little sister. He wants to hold her, make her laugh and mimic what his Mommy and Daddy do. He even tried to play peek a boo with her tonight! (video above of him trying to hold her; must click through to blog to see it as it does not embed in email). Notice the sweet car … Continue Reading
Filed Under: Bramble Berry News
Welcome to the end of August, everyone! Although I am sad to see summer go, and I'm getting excited for fall and all the great things we have planned. Thursday was our Soap Crafting book release party at Village Books in Fairhaven (and the launch of the Soap Crafting Club). I was beyond thrilled to … Continue Reading
Filed Under: Bramble Berry News
What a soaperiffic week! On Thursday evening we had the official release of the Soap Crafting book at Village Books, a local and independent book dealer located here in Bellingham. It couldn't have gone better! There were cupcakes and soap favors and mimoasa galore, and I met fantastic soapers from … Continue Reading
Filed Under: Cold Process Soap
Phew! I'm sorry this blog post is a day late. We had our big Soap Crafting Book release party last night where we announced our special Soap Crafting Club. The celebration went late! =) Stay tuned to hear more about that and see photos of the cupcake laden event. The rain has really picked up … Continue Reading
Filed Under: Cold Process Soap
Today's tutorials comes to you from one of my favorite soapmakers, Kenna from Modern Soapmaking. Her soaps always have unique designs, ingredients and colors. She is consistently pushing the soaping envelope. This recipe is particularly intriguing because it breaks a few conventional soaping … Continue Reading
Filed Under: Melt & Pour Soap
We learned this neat technique from one of our fabulous customers, Marlona of The Little Things Store! These geodes will be so realistic, you’ll fool all your friends. People won’t believe they’re not real geodes! (P.S. If you like the gemstone look, this technique is similar to these Freeform … Continue Reading
Filed Under: Business Musings
Over the years, I've heard many customers ask how to setup a blog, an e-commerce shop and build a solid online business presence. As our world becomes increasingly digitized, these type of questions are becoming more common. To help you gain a following (and ultimately sell more goods),we're … Continue Reading
Filed Under: Home Crafts
Waste not, want not! Since I started Bramble Berry on the proverbial shoestring budget, some habits die hard and I've stayed as true to this mantra as much as possible. I don't like throwing anything away (as my horrified team discovered during a recent office remodel). In the spirit of renewal and … Continue Reading
Filed Under: Personal Ramblings
"Grow where you're planted." - Unknown Note: In this case, these little seedlings initially grew where they were planted but whoops ... I left them out in the hot sun one day last week and they all died! I ended up planting little seeds in the big garden last week and I'm hoping they survive the … Continue Reading