I'm in overcast San Diego at a series of business conferences put on by the Women Presidents' Organization (WPO). The first session today is on "The Seven Costliest Employment Mistakes: What YOU Must Do to Protect and Sustain Your Business!" Our speaker are part of a boutique law firm, Nukk-Freeman … Continue Reading
Opportunity, Possibility, & Living Your Best Life
Guest Blog by Melissa McCreery Recently, someone told me about an opportunity she almost missed because it had never occurred to her that the thing she wanted to do was possible. Her story was a good reminder that sometimes, if we are not looking carefully for the opportunity, we miss it … Continue Reading
How To Make Salmon Skin Chips

A lifelong vegetarian, I recently read the book "Real Food" by Nina Plank. In this book, she talks about the importance of fish oils and makes a strong case for eating fish, stating that the combination of oils and nutrients in fish are imperative for proper brain function. Not wanting to … Continue Reading
SoapQueenTV Trailer (video)
Subscribe to SoapQueenTV HereThe best soap supplies on the internet are found at Bramble Berry. Click here to browse Bramble Berry. Have a question about this blog post? Come join us at Bramble Berry's Facebook page and we can help you out with any of your soapy questions! … Continue Reading
Bring on the Flying Rotundness

I am so buoyed by the sunshine in Washington state that all I can see is cherry trees in bloom and dream of fresh garden vegetables. Along with the myriad of plant life comes bug life too. My favorite insect is the beautiful, flying little rotund ladybug. Since these red little balls of happiness … Continue Reading
Steps to Character

From the book, "7 Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen Covey I'm reading this book for my Mastermind Business Book Club (affectionately dubbed the "Personal Development Book Club") and one of the points that struck me in my reading last night was a longer, more expanded versions of one … Continue Reading
Fleur de Lis Bike Reflector

Super cool gizmo if you're a regular bike commuter. Find this nifty, trendy, colorful and delightfully whimsical necessary reflector here. $30 The best soap supplies on the internet are found at Bramble Berry. Click here to browse Bramble Berry. Have a question about this blog post? Come … Continue Reading
Scented Fingers and Toes?

Remember This? Scented nail polish is back and apparently, is better than ever. If tires can smell like lavender, nail polish should smell like strawberry. Revlon is launching eight new scented nail polishes this month, aply titled "Fruitful Temptations". Fruit has inspired their sweet fragrances … Continue Reading
Accountability Group Yourself Great

Spingtime isn't just the season to get admire the flowers, get a pedicure and dust off your open-toed shoes. It is also a time for reflection and contemplation of how 2009 has gone so far and planning how you can continue to blossom in 2009. As you may have read before, my Mastermind Group develops … Continue Reading
SoapQueen TV Debut & Schedule

Bramble Berry Soapmaking Supplies FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Amber Tel. 360/734.8278 Email: info(at)brambleberry(dot)com CEO of Bramble Berry to Star in Soapmaking Series Join Anne-Marie every Thursday to learn new and exciting soapmaking techniques. The Soap Queen herself walks … Continue Reading
How to Convert %s to Weight Amounts

One of the questions I frequently get when I'm teaching classes at Otion is: I got this great recipe from my grandmother. It looks like fun. But, it's all in %s! How can I turn this awesome balm recipe into something I can work with? Help! Answer: Your grandmother's (fictional!) balm recipe … Continue Reading
Lori Nova’s Top Ten Essential Oils

Big thanks to Lori Nova from The Nova Studio for this Guest Blog. Lori is going to be teaching her amazing swirl technique and colorant class at the Soap Intensive Weekend at Otion this year. Class attendees are in for a huge treat. Lori's Guest Blog is below: While preparing for my upcoming … Continue Reading
Peace, Love and Chocolate

Vosges Haut Chocolate is an upscale chocolate company that takes chocolate lovers to a whole new world of loving chocolate. Perhaps most famous (well, at least in Bellingham!) for their Bacon Chocolate (that's right ... bacon + chocolate. Apparently, it sells.) Their boutiques are located in New … Continue Reading
It’s Official! People love SWI! (video)
Note: Email and RSS subscribers won't be able t see this video. You need to click through to the blog to see it (which wouldn't kill you. There's lots of things that update on the blog frequently, like the booklist and TwitPics).Soap Intensive Weekend 2009 is shaping up to be chock-full of helpful … Continue Reading