Thank you Rare Bird Finds for turning me onto this nifty soap idea. CityBird sells these for $6 on Etsy. Hurry though, there's only one left on this sale. They do bulk and custom orders in case you want to direct hapless tourists in any area of the country. Quoting from their site: Our … Continue Reading
Overseas Soaping with Jeremy

In a charming email interview with a Peace Corps volunteer, Jeremy Davis talks to Bramble Berry about the soaping culture in Ghana, West Africa. Bramble Berry: Jeremy, give us a quick briefing on what you do in the Peace Corps and where you are right now. Jeremy Davis:I am a Peace Corps … Continue Reading
More color testing

We're still on the hunt for some great non bleeding liquid red colors. As you can see, when mixed with opaque soap, this color did not stay red but in clear soap, it's a more brick red.I made these soaps by first pouring a full Basic Rectangle Mold of colored soap, letting it harden and then cutting … Continue Reading
Spotted Cow Soap

Thank you to frequent Soap Queen Commenter, Spotted Cow Soapsin Vermont for sending me an amazing bar of soap. The soap smells fresh and clean and the green luffa is a perfect look for this refreshing scent. The ribbon and bow is a nice packaging touch. I can't wait to use the soap! Thank you for … Continue Reading
My Arm is Numb

My right arm has been numb and tingly for about a month now. It all started when our lead Customer Service Rep at Bramble Berry announced that she was pregnant. In my excitement, I somehow thought that knitting an entire sweater for her summer-born baby would be the perfect gift. I was enthusiastic … Continue Reading
American Flag Soap – Final Reveal

If you missed the tutorial for making these soaps, click here for Part One and here for Part Two. The best soap supplies on the internet are found at Bramble Berry. Click here to browse Bramble Berry. Have a question about this blog post? Come join us at Bramble Berry's Facebook page and … Continue Reading
Tiffany’s Cupcake Charm
You know cupcakes have made it mainstream when vaunted jeweler Tiffany's produces a cupcake charm.It's adorable, isn't it? If you have $150 and an obsession for all things cupcake, go buy yourself a charm here.The best soap supplies on the internet are found at Bramble Berry. Click here to browse … Continue Reading
Flag Soaps – Part Two

Click here for Part One instructions for Flag Soaps Step Five: To get the white stars, pour a thin layer of white melt and pour into the star area. Allow to harden. Scrape off the bulk of the soap with your fingernail, a small putty knife or clean up tool. The white soap will stay in the stars, … Continue Reading
Soap Sunday!

I spent Sunday soaping. Batch one was a Cold Process batch made with Cappuccino Mica (the brown colored soap in the photo) and non-colored soap (the ivory). I used a vegetable peeler to peel little curls off of pre-made melt and pour soap. The green swirls are colored with Emerald Green LabColor and … Continue Reading
Colorful Geometric Soap Loaf

Taking the Geometry Lesson one step further, the soapinators at Otion created another soap creation utilizing the tutorial here.On a very positive note, I am in final testing stages for an flexible plastic loaf mold suitable for both CP and MP. I am doing to more tests today (springtime flowers MP … Continue Reading
It’s That Time

It's that time again - fund raising for political candidates has started in earnest. Chris and I co-hosted a fund raising for Washington State Governor Chris Gregoire last night. It was well attended, in a gorgeous art gallery. The Governor was well spoken, personable and absolutely hilarious. … Continue Reading
Chicks, Cows & Bunnies! Oh My!

Leave it to Erik at Otion to immediately take a liking to one of our latest molds and design an entire retail display for the store around it. When I arrived today, Erik and his talented crew had already made one adorable batch of soap and started on their second.Thanks to the well-thought out … Continue Reading
Flowerpot Soap Inspiration

From the talented Otionites - they did an amazing job using Clear Melt & Pour, Aqua Pearl Mica (for the base of the soap), Mauvey Gem Mica, Stormy Blue Mica, Cappuccino Mica (with white melt and pour base, for the pot) and Lilac fragrance for the scent. The mold is the Milky Way Flowerpot (which … Continue Reading
SpoonFudge, open for Two Days
This is the most amazing invention since sliced bread. Well, perhaps really good anti-microbials actually take that award but this is a close second. Charssi Gourmet Foods makes really, truly, delicious, scoopable, fudge. I was heartbroken when Cheri closed her store, Charssi Gourmet Foods, … Continue Reading