Thank you to Evie for this delightful note about Spellbound Woods. While we get many feedback notes from customers every day, this one was particularly well written and evocative. Happy Friday! I absolutely LOVE the Spellbound Woods fragrance oil. I've been looking for a blend like this for my male … Continue Reading
Etsy Love

I heart Etsy. There are so many amazing small businesses selling on Etsy. Take Roninosities - her soap came in the last Sampler (don't know about the Sampler? Click here to see their site). Robin makes very unique soap and sells it on Etsy. Soap Crayons? With a handmade box and probably hand … Continue Reading
Panel Discussion from Crave Show

Portions of the panel discussion from the Crave Show (see posts here and here) is up on the Whitney & Wyatt show web site. Click here to watch the 4 minute clip entitled "Following Your Bliss." The best soap supplies on the internet are found at Bramble Berry. Click here to browse Bramble … Continue Reading
Interview: Maggie from A Wild Soap Bar
We are lucky to have Maggie from A Wild Soap Bar for an interview on The Soap Queen. Maggie is a very successful soapmaking entrepreneur located in Austin, Texas. She's been interviewed by Co-Op America, and also an interview with the Lifestyle CEO, Donna Maria. Check out Maggie's impressive press … Continue Reading
A video of Maggie’s Operations
The best soap supplies on the internet are found at Bramble Berry. Click here to browse Bramble Berry. Have a question about this blog post? Come join us at Bramble Berry's Facebook page and we can help you out with any of your soapy questions! … Continue Reading
Christmas Card Time

I normally love to make Christmas cards to send out to family friends and especially relish the updates that Christmas mail brings. Time is even more precious this year and so our card design isn't very complicated at all. We'll be lucky to get these written and postmarked by Christmas! Hubby and … Continue Reading
Fastest Mile Ever
Sweet! It was a total delight to hear my little Nike + iPod Runner tell me this morning, "Congratulations! You've reached a personal best for your mile!" Given that I don't even like running (click here to read my rant about why I run), I was buoyed about the news. Apparently, 3 cups of coffee on … Continue Reading
Jelly Roll Sugar Cookies (thanks Martha!)

These cookies require the use of dental floss. If anyone actually tries to make them, please send photos. The jelly roll cookies look like the jelly roll soap that we just made on this blog! Click here to get inspired by the full instructions from the divine Ms. Martha. The best soap supplies on … Continue Reading
Ah, yes, spend my tax dollars on television
I've blogged about my views on t.v. and the small business owner before. Click here to read them. To prepare for the switchover to HDTV from analog, Congress has signed off on a new $1.5 billion subsidy program aimed at making sure the nation’s couch potatoes continue to get their viewing needs … Continue Reading
Snazzy Holiday Soaps

I got these goodies in my latest Lemming Box Sampler. What a joyous surprise for the season! First of all, how cute is this soap? It's a plain box that is wrapped in cellophane with a simple ribbon finish. It looks very festive and gift-giving-ready. Nashville Wraps has some adorable printed … Continue Reading

This is what happens if you try to unmold the 3-D soap early - whoops. The hot portion of the soap splooshed out and ruined a perfectly lovely bar of soap. Patience is your friend when using the 3-D Soap molds. The beauty of melt and pour is that the colored soap can always be chunked up and used … Continue Reading
Final Photos & Instructions for Jelly Roll Soaps

Click here for Day One, Day Two, Day Three, Day Three-point-Five Rolling Video, Day Four instructions for more information on the abbreviated instructions below. Instructions for Jelly Rolls 1. Melt 5 ounces of melt and pour soap in the microwave. Bramble Berry soap takes one 35 second melt & … Continue Reading
Sad Little Run
I totally did not want to run today. The wind was at 18 mph, it was cold, and it's Washington so the weather was drizzling and gray. But, I'm trying to run 50 miles in 30 days and, this morning (pre-run), I was at a sad 29 miles. I'm happy to report after the difficult and snail run below (take a … Continue Reading
Jelly Rolls! Jelly Rolls! Cracking! Day Four

Click here for Day One (set up) Click here for Day Two (color & fragrance) Click here for Day Three (release and video) As I mentioned in this post (which included a video of the soap rolling), the layers for this Jelly Roll were too thick. You can see that my rolled soap cracked (yes, … Continue Reading