I'll admit it. I bought Britney Spear's new CD. And (defensive voice) it's good. The CD should be an effective comeback vehicle for her (if she can get her personal act in gear). What's not good is her profligate spending habits. Click here to see CNN's article on Britney's spending round-up. … Continue Reading
Plushie Cupcakes

The little Bakery Co. is selling an adorable gift for almost anyone of the female persuasion. The Little Starlet Cupcakes Set is $29 and includes the very cool silicone baking tray! Little and big girls alike will love receiving their very own lilac colored soft silicone cupcake tin...with six … Continue Reading
Sunflowers and Triscles

We've been having a great time at Otion with melt and pour. These dual colored Sunflowers were made by Andrew, my brother-in-law. He is certainly getting talented at melt and pour, isn't he? The mold is by Milky Way and the colors used are Cellini Red, Emerald Green Labcolor and Canary Labcolor. … Continue Reading
Clear Instructions for Layering CP Soap
Playing With Soap has a helpful post, complete with photos, on layering Cold Process Soap. Click here to see it. I do layers the same way: pour at a very pudding thick trace and try to work quickly. I've heard other soapmakers actually make three batches (rather than separating one big batch … Continue Reading
New Contest! New Contest! New Contest!

We are busily shipping out orders and dreaming of fun projects to experiment with when the holiday rush is over. The new contest for the week is easy - post a comment *in this thread* with the dream project you'd like to see us tackle. Not much is out of bounds so suggest the wildest, most … Continue Reading
Crockpot Soap From Scratch
The best soap supplies on the internet are found at Bramble Berry. Click here to browse Bramble Berry. Have a question about this blog post? Come join us at Bramble Berry's Facebook page and we can help you out with any of your soapy questions! … Continue Reading
Mud Puddle Girl

Thanks Carrie-Gigi at Mud Puddle Girl for sending me a fabulous goody pack! Carrie-Gigi has showered me with gifts before (click here to read about her fun billows) and this time, she's sharing her Soap-Queen inspired chocolate lip balm. Back in September, Carrie-Gigi wrote me to share the good news … Continue Reading
Note from an ADGA Winner

Here's a kind note I got from Sue Harris of Little Mama Products I just learned that I placed second in the "fragranced soap" category at the ADGA national convention last week! I read your blog about what a chore it was, testing all those soaps... thank you so much. It means an extra lot, knowing … Continue Reading
Tile o’ Soap

soaps_all The soap artist says this about their work: A bar from each of the batches of soap I've made so far. They can be bought at agape1.net/store/catalog/ except for that lavender one. I'm not really selling that one since it was my first batch and doesn't even smell like it's supposed to. … Continue Reading
Feelin’ the Love

Thank you Joanna at Product Body for a wonderful ego-enhancing post about Bramble Berry, this blog and (eyes downcast modestly) me. Click here to read the post. And then DesperateHorseWife (aka Tracey) has a very nice post, complete with awesome photos about her experience with Otion, Bramble … Continue Reading
Recipe for Oatmeal Melt and Pour Soap

honey, nut, oatmeal soap Oatmeal Melt and Pour Soap Recipe (1) Melt 8 oz. of white/opaque base (2) Melt 8 oz. of clear base (3) Optional: Grind up 1/2 oz. of Oatmeal in coffee grinder for a smoother, lighter exfoliation. Also, the smaller the particle, the easier to suspend in the … Continue Reading
Oatmeal & Honey Soap

Oatmeal & Honey Soap Originally uploaded by blossomsundries A stunning photo of Oatmeal and Honey Soap from Blossom Sundries. The oatmeal is a particuarly nice tough on top of the soap; it provides texture and an artistic look. The Soap Artist has a great recipe for an Epson Soaking … Continue Reading
More Wildlife at our House
Thanks for the comments yesterday about our hilarious wildlife. The little critters make us laugh every morning as we drink our coffee. Here are a few more videos of the squirrels eating and playing. The best soap supplies on the internet are found at Bramble Berry. Click here to browse Bramble … Continue Reading
Frolicking Squirrels
Our chipmunks and squirrels have become happy (and complacent?) on our deck, eating gifts of peanuts (shelled and unshelled). Despite my husband's fears of our squirrel's imminent starvation, they eat enough peanuts to empty both feeders every week or so. The best soap supplies on the … Continue Reading