Soap Originally uploaded by Slow Boat to China Wow! These are absolutely intricate, amazing examples of what can be done with soap. Soap Carving used to be all the rage - and actually taught in schools in the '50's. I know, because I have textbooks on the subject from 1947. I've tried soap … Continue Reading
Do all these soapers actually buy from us?

Someone emailed me yesterday and asked what they had to do to get onto The Soap Queen as a "Shout Out to Cool Soapmakers" post. It's a good question. The answer is that I have to like your products and find something well done about your product line, web site or materials to shout-out about. … Continue Reading
Sugar Lips Etsy Shop

810 positive reviews can't be wrong! Sugar Lips is clearly one of the go-to gals on Etsy for a successful indie soap operation. The labels are waterproofed and like David from The Bubble Roome, designed by the owner. In her description of the Solid Lotion Bars, she says that they are good as a … Continue Reading
Information Overload
I've blogged before about my massive information overload problem. I've decided it's officially a "problem" and two of my 9 quarterly goals involve tackling my information overload. 1. I am going to *not* renew 5 magazine subscriptions. 2. I will finish all my partially-finished books. Currently, … Continue Reading
Wylde Ivy Soap Rocks

Wow! Look at those photos! They are very clean, crisp and a showcase for beautiful soap. Wylde Ivy has it right with their web site too. It has effusive verbiage on product descriptions and goodies that work as well as they photograph. I have ordered from Wylde Ivy twice in the last year and been … Continue Reading
Soap from Frances
Soaps Originally uploaded by Just_In_Time (sometimes too late though) These soaps from the market in Sarlat-la-Canéda in France have a wonderfully whimsical appeal with fun colors and a unique look. The best soap supplies on the internet are found at Bramble Berry. Click here to browse Bramble … Continue Reading
Alicia Grosso is coming to visit!

Alicia Grosso, noted author, teacher and expert soapmaker will be at Otion for a book signing in August. If you hurry, you can even sign up for her class and learn from one of the best in the industry. Alicia's book, The Everything Soap Book, is considered by some to be the most comprehensive … Continue Reading
Cupcakes. Yummy Yummy Cupcakes.

I went to go visit Cupcakes on Denham Street in Vancouver BC. The store did not disappoint. It was bright, happy and colorful. The line of cupcake devotees was almost out the door. The cupcake and cake offerings were creative, colorful and displayed attractively. They had cute Cupcake-branded … Continue Reading
Interview with David from The Bubble Roome

Interview with David from The Bubble Roome A-M: David, your flair for packaging is fascinating! Tell us about your background and how you got into soaps and toiletries. David: I've been a graphic designer for 10 years, starting with print projects and then moving into web work. Around 2001, I was … Continue Reading
Creative Planter
My dear husband Chris has been purchasing plants and delivering them to my office every week for over 2 years. He has never missed a week. Unfortunately, I kill about 85% of the plants. A few do end up living. Those lucky plants end up at our home. For those that live long lives, … Continue Reading
Salt-Water as Gas?
The best soap supplies on the internet are found at Bramble Berry. Click here to browse Bramble Berry. Have a question about this blog post? Come join us at Bramble Berry's Facebook page and we can help you out with any of your soapy questions! … Continue Reading
PichPosh Bath CupcakeC

I'm a little obsessed with cupcakes of all sorts. I recently spent too much time trying to backwards engineer bath cupcakes. I was successful. Click here for directions on how to make bath cupcakes. Last night, I took a bath with the PichPosh Solid Bubble Bath cupcake. Though they have many … Continue Reading
Happy Monday!
funky flowers close-up Originally uploaded by be cheery This is a great example of using happy sugar flowers to personalize your cupcakes in a fast way! The effect of all the cupcakes is simply stunning. I wish we had a cupcake bakery in Bellingham, WA. I'm reduced to driving to Seattle (Hello … Continue Reading
Contest Prize Winners

As a thank-you for bearing with us during the 3-day blog freeze, we are (drum roll!) doing more than just the initial number of prizes we promised! Three readers from last week are all winning a copy of our DVD on melt and pour soapmaking or cold process soapmaking (their choice) and Five 3-D molds … Continue Reading