It was a nice surprise today to come into work and find that not only had our blog been unlocked (thanks Blogger for getting to me first thing Monday morning!), but we've been nominated for a Blogger's Choice Award in the "Best Craft Blog" category. It's exciting to be nominated. If you'd like to … Continue Reading
Using 3-D Molds – Layering & Color Details

Here are the final photos of our 3-D molded soap project. More advanced techniques include layering and detailing the cut outs in the soap. Instructions for coloring in the dragonfly: You will need a dropper, a glass of very hot water, alcohol spritzer and melted soap in a contrasting … Continue Reading
Colorful Lotion Shot

Lotion Originally uploaded by Shelbythenerd Sadly, this blog is still locked. I spent the evening testing some delightful solid bubble bath and can't wait to tell you about it when the blog unlocks for non-flickr posts. The lotion photo on the right makes me want to utilize color more in my … Continue Reading
Soap – Queen is still locked down

Handmade Valentine's Day Soaps Originally uploaded by krizsa I am sorry to report that The Soap Queen blog is still locked down from posting new articles. I have lots to report on too - finishing up the 3-D soap mold tutorial, visiting Open Sundaes in Vancouver and more cupcakes. And this week, … Continue Reading
Crisp Beautiful Soap

Soapmaking Day- Cut Bars Originally uploaded by mollycakes Blogger has accidentally decided that this blog is a Spam Blog. Whoops. So, they are in the process of okaying me again to post but for the meantime, the last final installment of the 3-D soap series is stuck in their system. Hopefully it … Continue Reading
Contest Prizes Doubled!

We have doubled our Contest Prizes for the week! There will be two winners who will each win their choice of five heavy duty 3-D molds and a soapmaking DVD. The fine print: post a comment any time this week to qualify. Winner will be chosen Sunday night and announced Monday morning. The best soap … Continue Reading
Using 3-D Molds – Trimming & Color

3-D molded soap needs to be finished off to make the bars look professional. I have not figured out a way to make 3-Dsoap without needing to trim. The coral colored bar on the right is fully cleaned up. A general rule of thumb is: the hotter the soap is, the more runny and thin it is. The cooler … Continue Reading
Sure hope it’s tear-free soap
soap Originally uploaded by Dalla* The best soap supplies on the internet are found at Bramble Berry. Click here to browse Bramble Berry. Have a question about this blog post? Come join us at Bramble Berry's Facebook page and we can help you out with any of your soapy … Continue Reading
Bag o’ Fizz question

On the comments yesterday, Tami posted an interesting bath fizzy problem. I know you're working on M&P molds this week, but I have a question about bombs that I didn't find an answer to on your site, hoping maybe you could answer? I have made small ones that I've had no problems with, but in … Continue Reading
Wild Sarsaparilla Handmade Shaving Soap

Wild Sarsaparilla Handmade Shaving Soap Originally uploaded by fetosoap Lisa from Feto Soap ( has created a lovely bar of Wild Sasparilla Shaving Soap. Lisa says "This soap was born while being filmed on In Context - but it's been in my head for months now. Ingredients: … Continue Reading
Using 3-D Molds – Unmolding, Part 2

This is what the unmolded 3-D soap looks like. Because the soap naturally squishes out over the edges, the finished soap does need to be trimmed. Thursday's posts will touch on trimming and coloring your soapy 3-D creations. If the soap does not fully harden, it will leak all over. It is difficult … Continue Reading
Smilies and Daisies

Smilies and Daisies Originally uploaded by Swissy Missy How cute are these cupcakes? They are perfect for a summer party. The leaves are made with fondant so are edible in addition to looking spiffy. I love how smiley and happy they are. Happy Wednesday! The best soap supplies on the internet … Continue Reading
Using 3-D Molds – Unmolding

Welcome to Day Three in using 3-D Molds. Monday covered set up. Tuesday dealt with pouring and fill linesand today is all about unmolding and trimming.We recommend waiting a full two to four hours when unmolding your 3-Dsoap. The longer wait period is necessary because the soap retains its heat (and … Continue Reading
Contest Update

As of this morning, not many people have posted in the comments section to be entered into a drawing for your choice of 5 3-D soap molds and a soapmaking DVD. At these rates, the chances are pretty good that your comment will win free soap molds! Post a comment to any post this week and you're … Continue Reading