Otion recently was photographed for an advertising campaign by a local, well-respected PR firm. Bramble Berry has actually worked with this firm before and had been happy with the output. The photographer was at Otion and took many more photographs than were needed for the ad. I asked if we could … Continue Reading
Answering customer concerns on shipping
Bramble Berry recently got a bit slammed on a soapmaking chat list over shipping charges. Ouch. I hate getting slammed over things we can't control and shipping is one thing that we can't control. In fact, in a clever little trick involving not charging for gas fuel surcharges that Fed Ex charges us … Continue Reading
Packaging Makes the Experience Blissful

I was entirely enamoured with Blissful Bath's soap and toiletry products before I even opened the box. They managed to completely enthrall and delight even before I opened the package. Why? As you can see from the photo above, Blissful Bath really knows how to wrap a package! The beautiful, classy … Continue Reading
Three Cups of Tea
I just finished the book, Three Cups of Tea, by Greg Mortenson and David Relin. I am so inspired by one man's desire to improve the lives of school children in Afghanistan and Pakistan. The story is about a wayward climber (Greg) who is sheltered at a small city in Pakistan. Vowing to come back to … Continue Reading
Green Tea & Chocolate help your teeth
You've probably heard about Green Tea and its amazing antioxidant abilities (keeps you younger! keeps you cancer-free! prevents Alzheimer's!) but did you know that it also has a trace element of fluoride? The fluoride found in green tea hardens tooth enamel and makes teeth more resistant to decay. … Continue Reading
Today Show on Lip Balm Addiction
I thought this was a funny little blurb. Some of my favorite lip balms on the 'net right now are: Salty Girls, Juice Beauty (in "Playful" tint)and Biggs & Featherbelle. The best soap supplies on the internet are found at Bramble Berry. Click here to browse Bramble Berry. Have a … Continue Reading
Dell’s "customer service" not improved
Dell supposedly has improved their customer service. I've seen countless blogs mentioning their new and improved customer service infrastructure and fawning articles in business magazines about how Michael Dell is getting back to the basics. Well, for this gal, that's just lip service as far as I … Continue Reading
Makes me want to get married … again
The gorgeous artistry of this cake makes me want to get married again. And the description of the flavor (orange zest filled with dulce de leche with guava) is making me starry eyed. The best soap supplies on the internet are found at Bramble Berry. Click here to browse Bramble … Continue Reading
How everyone makes their money
I don't know if you're guilty of this, but I'm forever going into a shop, looking at a company and then assuming I know how much they are making. My mind is often tallying up the purchases of the customers in line at my local juice bar and trying to figure out their overhead, margins and ultimately, … Continue Reading
Great soap by Jude at Aussie Soap Supplies

Jude from Aussie Soap Supplies sent me photos of her latest (amazing!) cold process soap batches. In the Black Lavender & Amber on the right, she actually discounted the water by 25% and the entire batch came out very smooth, hard and extremely even looking. Her double pour is a beautiful sight … Continue Reading
I’m back from Arizona

I'm back from Arizona safe and sound. And very tired. I changed my flight this morning so that I could get back to work and Bramble Berry sooner and get a half day of work in. I got to the gate just as the 6:25 a.m. flight was loading and was not able to make that flight but I easily made the 8 a.m. … Continue Reading
Phew, the talk is over
I just gave the Arizona Soap Gathering Conference Keynote and I am so happy that it's done and over with. The reality of speaking in front of a packed room of 160 people is very different than what I envisioned when I was writing my speech! Ack! The group was appropriately warmed up though and … Continue Reading
On the way to Arizona Soap Conference
I'm headed to the Arizona Soap Conference today! I can't wait to meet Trina from Snowdrift Farms, Suz from Oregon Trails and Kelley from Soapie's Supplies! The gathering fun starts tonight with a Welcome Reception at 6 p.m. at the conference hotel and then, bright and early tomorrow at 9 … Continue Reading
Humane Rat Trapping

We caught a big rat at our house. It doesn't look big but it was large enough to scare away our chipmunks and our squirrels. Chris drove our pet rat 7 miles away and let it spring and sproing merrily away in a field, happy as can be (or scared, tired, hungry and discombobulated. We're going with the … Continue Reading