Perhaps it's my European (Norsk) heritage, but I am so loving these little bowls right now. How cute is the peek at the innocent couple kissing? The best soap supplies on the internet are found at Bramble Berry. Click here to browse Bramble Berry. Have a question about this blog post? … Continue Reading
Awesome wedding dances
This has really nothing to do with anything but my friend Christine over at Big Pink Cookie (she actually designed our very first Bramble Berry web site 9 years ago!), just posted the most adorable first wedding dances. The 2nd one puts any first dance to shame. Check that one out for sure. I bet … Continue Reading
Flowers? What flowers?
I posted a few weeks ago about the quantifiable effects of multi-tasking (short answer: they're not good) and bemoaned my non-ability to do one task at a time. I made a little progress on doing one thing at a time (for about a week) but quickly slid right back into doing ten trillion things at … Continue Reading
Now that was a nice little kudos
I'm like my friend Andy who writes in his blog and wonders if anyone's actually reading it. Well, it turns out that one person at least read my blog this week and wrote me! Thanks Jenny! So, I'm excited enough about the note to post it and share it with you all (presumably more than one person - … Continue Reading
Cake Soap

Someone described this photo as cake soap porn. I'm not so sure I'd go that far, but these are amazing bars of soap. The detail works in incredible and I can only imagine that the molds are the heavy duty silicone moles that allow for better 3-D effects and help ease unmolding. To see more of … Continue Reading
Best, most amazing cakes. Ever.
So. I really wanted to spend this morning blogging about The Cake Girls, this cool little IL bakery that specializes in doing what they love and elevates cake decorating to a fine (expensive) art form. If you read me on a regular basis, you know that I love people that make the mundane amazing and … Continue Reading
Anonymous Sour Grapes Postings
I came across an incredibly derogatory posting today about me. In the spirit of the Wired's article on transparency, here is my response to a less-than-positive posting about me. Thanks for Diana from SPU for mentioning it to me. You’ve got to be kidding me… Quite a business woman, eh? She copied … Continue Reading
Making Sales Calls
In my job, making sales calls is one of the more difficult things that any small business needs to face. Irritatingly, most business problems can pretty much be solved with more sales (more sales = more cash = lots of cash hiding lots of poor business practices). I see this a lot with the small … Continue Reading
Be Socially Responsible
We're excited to be the main sponsor for the RE Sources Environmental Hero's event! It's part of our values at Bramble Berry to "Be socially responsible." The best soap supplies on the internet are found at Bramble Berry. Click here to browse Bramble Berry. Have a question about this blog … Continue Reading
Wesson Oil & Fresca Dyed Easter Eggs

We used Fresca as a base for dying our Easter Eggs instead of water & vinegar. We believe the Fresca must be somewhat acidic as it very much allowed the color to stay on the eggs, without vinegar. The thin layer of yellow you see in the above picture is Olive Oil. We dropped the egg into the … Continue Reading
Amazing cut out melt and pour soaps

My soapy friend (the amazingly talented Debby from Soapy Love) has managed to do what, well, quite frankly I don't have the patience to do. She has mastered the art of cut outs for melt and pour soaps. And, she has done so in an amazingly artful, unique and creative manner. Bravo to Debby! These … Continue Reading
Battery Acid in soap?
I just got this question and wanted to share the joy with you. I just read that the inside of a Duracell battery contains very concentrated Potassium Hydroxide. Could I open a battery, dilute the contents and use it to make soap? For future reference, batteries do not need to be purified to the … Continue Reading
Using Labcolors to dye Easter Eggs

We dyed Easter Eggs this weekend with Labcolors. For the uninitiated, Labcolors are a colorant system for making cool, consistent colors in soaps, lotions and water based toiletries. Since they are essentially FD&C colors, I figured that they would work swimmingly for dying Easter … Continue Reading
The chipmunk, again

The best soap supplies on the internet are found at Bramble Berry. Click here to browse Bramble Berry. Have a question about this blog post? Come join us at Bramble Berry's Facebook page and we can help you out with any of your soapy questions! … Continue Reading