That photo was taken in the morning. It’s subtle, but I do grow a little bit during the day, every day (water retention, food etc…). I tried to do a photo that showed the growth but it’s not as impressive to look at as it feels.
According to my multiple baby sites, apps and books – the baby is anywhere between 13 1/2 ounces to 1.7 pounds and is either the size of a 12″ ear of corn to a 15″ giant squash.
My stomach, at its widest widest point is 35 1/2″ wide. I’m too scared to measure my rear or hips. I’m in a good mood and don’t feel like taking the time for the crying jag that would ensue after that little experiment.
Overall, pregnancy has been good. But, I’m pregnant. So I don’t feel all “top of the morning to ya‘!” every morning. I feel more like 1/2 of my normal self with energy level and mood. That probably has a lot to do with the pregnancy insomnia that seems to have moved into our home. I still work out 5-6 times per week but have changed my work out substantially. I’ve added Prenatal Pilates, Prenatal Yoga, walking, elliptical trainer, and light weights. This week, I might make it to water aerobics since jogging and jazzercise bit the dust around month 5. My feet hurt too much with both of those. Probably the extra weight? Or maybe my spreading feet size?
This week, I’m going to be focusing on moving my office into the new baby-centric office, complete with a rocking chair, a new desk and Moses basket (or pack’n’play – I’m not sure yet). We can’t wait to meet this little one.
Thanks! I’m loving this entire experience.
You look beautiful Anne-Marie!!
Felicidades por el embarazo…. mucha suerte.Besos
Carmen Barcelona Spain
It makes me feel wayyyyyy better when I keep active.
Love the bump! And way to go with keeping up the workouts!
Thank you! I’m really enjoying this whole thing thus far and can’t wait for the parenthood part too. =)
I’ve been taking a bunch of self portraits with my iPhone and the mirror. I
look dorky but the changes are pretty amazing to see.
Aw thanks. I told the baby that the other day and my husband yelled from the
other room, “Our baby boy is not cute. He is HANDSOME!” I about fell over
laughing ….
Have I mentioned that your baby is going to be the cutest baby ever? I already know it. 🙂
So exciting to chart the progress. You’re lookin’ good! I wish I had taken more pregnancy photos. I don’t know why I was so afraid of the camera!
You look totally gorgeous. The picture of the fit, healthy and happy pregnant woman. I’m so excited for you. Parenthood is a wonderful journey.
Isn’t it fun when the little one moves around and you’re like “Hey little guy!” I love to feel him move. I haven’t felt any hiccups yet though. That’s definitely something I am looking forward to. =)
You’ll be so cute though. lol! ; )
We’re due in the end of April as well, also in week 26. Someone told me that this is the year of the baby and I think I believe it! Congrats and enjoy all of his gymnastics! : )
I hear that beached whale is coming =) Any day now.
Roger that re: Moses Basket. I’m going to have to get some typing dictation software so I can hold the baby at the desk and still keep typing.
Pack ‘n’ Play is basically a cool little baby corral that easily can be taken down and packed with you wherever you go. I also hear that bathtubs with towels in the bottom of them are a great way to keep your little one happy while you do your hair and make up in the morning. LOL! =)
That’s what the gals in yoga have been telling me – that you’ll wake up and the baby is shoved all the way to one side and you’re like, “Hey! Move back over. My stomach is crooked!” He’s still pretty small so his kicks still feel like little love taps and other than the low back pain, I’m pretty comfortable. I’m just trying to cherish every moment and enjoy the peace and quiet. =)
Thanks for the vote of confidence, dM! That means a lot coming from you. We can’t wait for this adventure to start. We’ve spent much of the morning talking about the logistics but ultimately, we have no idea what it’s going to be like so all of our planning might be for naught. =)
Oooh, that would be early for me. I don’t see that coat lasting another month =) And I am loathe to buy a brand new coat for 2 months!
Thank you. I’m really looking forward to moving into the office in the next few weeks. I got a new desk and everything and I’m putting a rocker in there as well (rather than a traditional visitor chair). =)
=) Thanks.
YAY! Another 6 monther! Fun. Congrats on your little one. Do you know what you’re having yet?
Yeah, it’s gone REALLY fast, hasn’t it? We’re putting in the crib & getting the nursery ready this next weekend. I think it will feel very real once the crib is in there =)
I adore that machine too. And, if I go at night, they have TV’s attached to them so I can catch up on trash TV too. Since we don’t have a TV in our home, that’s pretty good motivation for me =)
I went from running to elliptical trainer in my 2nd trimester of 2 of my pregnancies as well. I LOVE THAT MACHINE! 🙂 Low impact + great workout. You baby bump is absolutely adorable! I can imagine how excited you are to welcome your little one into this world. You look fantastic!
Gosh so cute and tiny!! I think I was that size at 4 months!! : ) I can’t believe you’re so far along! Seems like you just told us you were expecting! This next few months should be wonderful! : ) enjoy
Congrats to you! Looking fabulous as well!
I am six months along and can attest to the amazing wonder of the growing belly-smaller in the am, feels like a ton of bricks in the pm. Weird. If you ever need a fellow belly bumper to talk to let me know!
You look ADORABLE!!!
You look amazing! You will have no trouble shedding the “baby weight” with all the exercise you are doing now, besides you are very active anyways! I love the colors you picked for the office, very happy and uplifting. 🙂 Congrats to you and the Daddy-to-be. 😉
Probably right; it was my genius planning-ahead skills =) (ha ha)
Great to hear from you! I looked at your wedding photos and loved the sneakers =) We ALL thought it was adorb!
Aw, thanks. =)
Thanks Fred. Four daughters? You are lucky! I wanted a girl for our first but my husband must have had other plans because we have a little boy on the way (and couldn’t be more thrilled). =)
Completely agree – 100%.
LOL! I’m mostly working out so that I maintain a decent fitness level so that I can do the stamina it takes for delivery. =) Plus, it’s really mood stabilizing for me to work out – my staff can definitely tell when I haven’t worked out for a few days. I’m definitely more irritable. =) I’m relaxing a lot more than usual – sleeping in, relaxing my normally-draconian morning schedule and taking more weekends off than in the past. According to all the baby books, that’s all pretty important so I’m trying to do everything “right” (down to counting my fruit, veggie, and grain servings per day!). It’s definitely exciting and we are so looking forward to this summer with a little one.
Thanks. I love feeling him kick. It’s such a relief to feel him moving around and know that he’s okay. =)
That’s good feedback re: the hospital birth. I go to visit my high-risk OB for our 7 month check up in a couple weeks and she and I will hammer out a plan then. Technically, they want to induce me early and I’m not positive how I feel about that so there’s a lot of discussion still to go. Boppy nursing pillow. Got it. I’ll go put that on my registry now! =)
No idea yet. I always thought ‘Jake’ for a boy’s name but then Twilight came around and made Jacob really really popular and I worry about him being one of eight Jakes in his classroom =) So, we’re back to square one. We just call him The Bump or the Bramble Bump or the Bramble Baby right now … =)
I like that you chose yellow because its a unisex color and will mix well when you have bramblegirl (in the future) too :o)
What a cutie pie, you look fantastic – so happy for you both!
Some of us NEED to know… you have a name picked out yet or is he still
just “Bramble Prince”?
We had a hospital birth and it was terrific. I think it all has to do with how the staff respects your hoped-for birthing (and, your respect of their experience!). We did have to be a bit firm on my desire to walk around, but it was no big deal. We had a completely drug-free birth (it was amazing how many people suddenly showed-up in the room when I began to push! Some of them had never seen a drug-free birth!). My advice: make sure you ask your labor nurse to skip drinking coffee or anything else that adds “aroma” to the breath!!! Each time our nurse spoke close to my face, her coffee-breath was just awful! Other than that, it was a wonderful experience. Are you planning on breastfeeding? Get a Boppy nursing pillow. It really does make it easier as your shoulders and arms can relax more (Chris will like it, too, when he is holding the baby).
We’re doing Hypnobirthing classes; we went to a Bradley class and just resonated better with the Hypnobirthing teacher I thing. They’re super similar to Bradley method – lots of affirmations, breathing and relaxation techniques, focus on pre-pregnancy movement to make birthing easier, partner assisted labor – but since I am a high risk pregnancy due to a blood clotting disorder, I do have to have the baby in a hospital so that is one choice that was taken away from us.
You look absolutely wonderful Anne-Marie! I always enjoyed not worrying about the weight too much while pregnant (you are supposed to gain weight!). Just enjoy the moment. This is such an exciting time. I’m super excited for you!!
This is one time in your life you shouldn’t focus on the weight (within reason, of course)!! Have you started thinking about birthing choices? We went Bradley Method and LOVED it. It was a no drug birth for us. The hardest work I’ve ever done, but it was also the BEST! You are going to be GREAT parents!!
Ah yes, really looking forward to that (ha!)
We can’t wait =)
Thanks. My Mom gained 28 pounds with me but a lot more with my (younger) brother – I think 50. I’m sure it has something to do with being absolutely swamped with a toddler when you’re pregnant with the 2nd one! =)
I’m signed up for 2 classes per week but never make the Sunday 5:30 p.m. one. We’re always doing something (dinner with friends, away for the weekend, etc…) and so I’m super bad at making it twice per week but religious about going at least 1X per week. And then I have at-home DVDs too. Gotta keep those muscles strong for the final show to get the baby here!
When I chose the bright happy yellow for my office, I didn’t realize the entire office would be painted that but it is so all of Customer Service also has a very charismatic yellow in their sections as well =)
I’m sure it will…nice choice on the colors!
I assure you that you are teeny tiny and, will lose that little bit of healthy weight instantly. I was like that with my first one. You look fabulous!
You look great! And you’re so funny. 🙂 Good for you for doing all those prenatal exercises! I have friends who swear by prenatal yoga. I wish I had done it when I was carrying my kids.
AM, God bless your baby, you and your husband. Your life will change happily when your baby has born. You look beautiful!!
Claudia E
Monterrey, México
Hey AM, that’s a lovely little bump! It won’t be long before you’ll be able to rest your dinner plate on there while you eat 🙂
ahhhhh yes you look pregnant and happy……..all is good!
Your baby bump is smaller than my fat one! Lol. Seriously, working out some is great, but you really shouldn’t worry it so much. Weight gain is what it is. You will drop it as you breast feed and adapt to being a new working Mom! You really should take this time to relax as much as you can, because you will be at the gate of your lifelong ride in just a few more months. It is an amazing and exciting ride too, so congratulations and best wishes!
You look fantastic! All of the weight gain, aches and pains will be worth it once you meet your baby boy 🙂
You look great and what a wonderful attitude – have 4 beautiful Daughters course the youngest was born in 1984! Three years after I retired from the U.S. Navy.
You are beautiful…motherhood only makes you more so.
So funny – I had my munchkin as soon as I started complaining that I couldn’t fit into my winter jacket anymore. Too bad it was a month early! Be careful what you wish for, I guess…..
LOL! Well, I wasn’t going to say anything. In a few weeks, that baby is going to be giving you the what for and you’ll have to, sadly, put down the winter jacket (or wear it unzipped …) My daughter preferred the right side of my body. I was always trying to push her toward the middle — anywhere except my right rib cage. I lost the battle nearly every time.
You look fantastic! Very fit and happy. Yes, pregnancy is physically uncomfortable at times, but I can tell that you are taking it in stride. Some of the most enjoyable times in my life were the months I was carrying my babies. I did not feel chipper all the time, but I enjoyed healthy pregnancies and had good support systems. I felt good about becoming a mom because I always knew it was a goal. I know the same holds true for you. You are coming down the home stretch now. It won’t be long before these photos will be replaced by pudgy cheeks and the cutest little eyes that look up at you like you spin the world around on its axis. You and Chris will be fantastic parents and I am excited with you for this joyful time!
I’m told ‘beached whale’ comes next around month 8 and 9. I shoot SoapQueen.TV at month 7 so I’m hoping to stave it off for a few more weeks =)
You and me both! I’ve already hired the baby photographer for those 6 week old pics. =)
Ooooh, love that idea! Note to self: extra pack ‘n’ play for the bathroom! LOL! =) You’re right, he won’t be staying in the extra bouncy seat for long!
I’m trying not to. =) I’m trusting that the breast feeding will also help to take some of it off over the first year, if not sooner. =)
Thanks Carrie. =) It is amazing that I’m a little incubator right now. I am absolutely in awe over the entire process. It’s very much like the best science experiment …. ever.
Really? That’s good to know! 9 months huh? I’d better come up with my Plan B real fast…
I thought it would be a girl too but two different sonograms say otherwise. Here’s the one that seems to give the most definite proof:… =)
I know! I can hardly wait! =) He gets really active around 10 p.m. at night and it’s fun to feel him moving around and realize we get to meet him in under 4 months!
Thanks. I feel big but I know I just get bigger from here on out =)
Not yet. I always thought I would call him ‘Jake’ and then when I found out I was pregnant with a boy, somehow, the name didn’t appeal to me. It could be just Twilight-induced hangover though (Jacob!) =)
You and me both! I am so curious about what he will look like and who he will take after =)
You have a really neat bump! Pregnancy suits you – you are glowing. I can;t wait to see pictures of the baby xx
WOW! You look great!! Do you have a name picked out for him yet?
Wow…you’re a good size. Adorable bump!
I felt awful during my pregnancies, too. It’s not an easy time, but it only lasts for 9 mos. and then you get a precious person for the rest of your life!
I would bet a basket of Brambleberry products that it’s a girl from the way your showing… 🙂
Go with the pack n’ play. But, be for warned that the little one may not stay put for long! My nine month old will not allow me to cage her!
I hope you know how beautiful you look right now…you are carrying LIFE and that is such an amazing and wonderful thing to experience…we tend to focus on our backs, our feet, our widening girth…but what about focusing on what stage of development your dear little one is in…I think it is miraculous and marvelous and trust me…time goes SO fast when measured by growing little ones. You LOOK beautiful!
I gained 55 lbs with my first, but lost 50 of it by my 6week post-partum checkup. Don’t sweat the weight-gain 🙂 Congrats again!
The Pack-n-Play was a long term lifesaver for us! As a military family in the midst of crazy transitions, it served as a crib and a safe place for baby to hang out in the office for more than a year! Even when they started taking a few steps we were using it for temporary confinement so I could safely get things done. I’ve dragged it into the bathroom so I could take a shower…. you name it! Pack-n-Play is a life saver!! AND so are those little bouncy seats!! You look awesome, I love getting to follow you!!
Fantastic re: bath bombs. Yay! It’s the perfect project to do with kids.
Our official due date is end of April. We’re 26 weeks right now (just started week 26) and I am so scared about how big I’ll be when we film SoapQueen.TV in a couple weeks! =)
Oh you have a beautiful glow, I am so delighted for you I think children bring so much into life and babies are so precious :0) Cannot wait for baby pics :0) Lyn
Ahhh, thanks for sharing this. I agree with look so cute. I too looked like a beached whale, but it ended up that all my babies weighed over 9 and 10 pounds. Best wishes to you and your hubby.
congrats!! I just realized that we must be due at about the same time. : )
Also wanted to say thanks for all the great info that you put together for us. My daughter and I will be doing bath bombs as soon as our order gets here. Best wishes!!
It’s a boy!!!! =) I’ve gained 19 pounds so definitely on track for that 35 pounds of weight gain. My goal had been 28 pounds but I think Month 2 killed that. That month will forever be known as the “Bread, Macaroni & White Rice” month. All I could eat were white starches. Ick! =)
You look lovely! You have stayed really slim. I looked like a beached whale by month 6, and it didn’t get any better by month 9 😉
Moses Baskets – they do look so cute, don’t they? But I can tell you, they aren’t worth it. You can only use them for 3 or 4 months anyway and during the first 3 months baby will be happier to be carried in your arms, rather than in a basket. Pack’n’play, not sure what it is but sounds more useful than a basket. I loved my baby sling, but it’s not everyone’s thing and it depends on how good your back is after the birth.
Thanks Suzanne. My Dad (doctor Dad!) tells me that I haven’t seen anything yet with the size of the bump!
Maternity clothes help a lot!
=) Gracias!
I can’t either. I hope he looks like his Daddy. =)
Thanks. That first trimester was a bear for tiredness and now, I’m tired all the time but I think that’s because of the lack of sleep more than anything but pregnancy isn’t supposed to be a bed of roses. I don’t know how people who have like 5 or 6 do it – little ones running around, pregnant, tired. They must have incredible energy!
Thanks. I do love those scrunchy shirts …
It’s bright yellow (happy!) with blue carpet and a dark brown desk. I’m hoping it all comes together.
I think you look great! I hope all goes smoothly for the rest of your pregnancy. Sending all good wishes.
You are small for 6.5 months, I’d say. You are so cute. Do you know yet if it’s a boy or girl?
Anne-Marie, you are too cute!
You and me both. I hope he looks like my husband …
you look fit and happy.. can’t wait till the little one is here !~!
You look great Anne-Marie. I can’t imagine working out while pregnant- I remember just being so tired all the time! Good for you with finding lower impact things you can continue to do. You seem to have much more energy than the average woman!
It’s exciting to be on baby watch along with you- thanks for sharing!
You look wonderful!
Que bonita se ve…..felicitaciones!!!
You look great! Can’t wait to see how your new “baby” office looks..LoL!
You look adorable. I know you can’t wait to see the bambino.