I constantly say that I have the best friends in the world. The adorable baby hot tub above is just one more reason for me to love my friends. It was a super thoughtful gift from entrepreneur Bob Pritchett and his lovely wife Audra. Side note: Bob runs an awesome Bible Software company so if you’re looking for Bible Software, Logos is the place to shop. Jamisen LOVES his bathtub and the unique shape lets him sit upright, leaving his hands free to play in the water.
Another gift from an awesome entrepreneur friend, Jeff Hill and his wife Lynette, this bathrobe makes Jamisen look like such the little dude. Side note: Jeff runs the 1-800-GOT-JUNK franchise in the Seattle area and also a very neat no-cardboard-boxes moving solution called ‘FrogBox‘.
Notice Jamisen’s favorite ‘One Fish, Two Fish’ book in the background as Grandpa reads the always amazing “Moo Moo Baa La La” book (a gift from Artist Lisa McShane. She has one of Jamisen’s favorite shoulders to spit up on.) Jamisen still is loving his reading time AND as his neck strength improves, we’re noticing he has a longer attention span during reading time too.
Jamisen is so much fun. We laugh all the time. While he’s not laughing yet, he is definitely shrieking in that high pitched way that only babies can. It’s adorable. He is STILL nowhere close to sleeping through the night. His longest stretch is 3 hours and it usually starts at 7 p.m. so Chris and I are both a bit zombified every day but one smile from Jamisen at his 6 a.m. wake time and we’re rarin’ to greet the day with our little boy.
One of the things that has saved me in the mornings when Jamisen wakes up rarin’ to go at 6:00 a.m. (he is his Mother’s son for sure; I’m a super happy hyper morning person!) is the BOB stroller. Chris found one used for me on Craiglist and it is amazing! I love that it has shock absorbers. Jamisen and I run to the local natural foods co-op in the morning where I get a decaff, caramel sauce, hempmilk latte which promptly negates any calories I may have burned on the jog. That drink also clearly identifies me as ‘high maintenance’. Ha!
Jamisen’s latest trick is rolling from front to back (see video above). He still doesn’t roll from back to front (but given that he doesn’t like tummy time, I can’t say I’m surprised). He did this trick right when his Dad walked in the door on Wednesday. We were quite delighted and obviously showered praises on him, as if he had just solved Pythagoras’ theorem. Just call us “proud parents.” The one thing about parenthood that surprises me the most is how much fun it is! I didn’t expect it to be this much fun on a daily basis and we’re already talking about adding a little brother or little sister to the family.
You think rolling over is great? Wait until he sleeps through the night! You’ll be popping the champagne (and promptly going to bed)! 😀
I LUV that baby bath tub. I wish I had one of those when my kids were babies. Too cute!
I love your “I’m High Maintenance” coffee!! Own it, A-M!!
I’m sipping one right now … =)
Me encanta ver los a ustedes, tan felices, que familia mas linda. Gracias por compartir con nosotros sus alegrias.
Enjoy this special time in your life. It goes by so quickly – of course it’s replaced with equal excitement and fun, but there’s nothing like having an infant. He is so sweet!
I am loving having a baby boy – he is soooooo sweet and adorable (except at his 4X per night feedings when he’s furious if I don’t give him his food fast enough!).
Love the pic of the 2 of you smiling at each other…what a great moment to share in the later years!!!
It is fun how this blog will be like a virtual baby book for him =) That is, if blogs still exist when he gets older!
Hey I loved this. At least I am not the only one who gets excited with babies. They are so much fun! Have a great time and I loved the baby spa idea how cool is that. Bye for now!
He ADORES his baby spa. He gets more clean in the shower (those dang neck folds are easier to get clean in the shower!) but he loves his hot tub so much that we do that with him every other day and then the shower on the other days.
He is so cute…… Just adorable!
Thanks; we think so too =)
where does one buy a baby hot tub like your gift?
I got it here: http://www.alongcomesababy.com/ The exact URL is: http://acab.bnocheckout.com/store/shop_product.php?UPC=14329
where can one purchase the baby hot tub??
Bob and Audra bought it at Bellingham’s Premier Baby Store (at least that’s what they call themselves – and I gotta admit, they do have a LARGE selection of baby products): http://www.alongcomesababy.com/ The exact URL is: http://acab.bnocheckout.com/store/shop_product.php?UPC=14329