We are all so proud of my sweet husband, Chris. He just finished his first triathlon! He decided to race just 2 weeks ago and did 3 trainings to prep. He did the Lake Padden Triathlon (in Bellingham, WA). He raced in the ‘Competitive’ category and we don’t know how he did yet in terms of his overall finish but we do know how he did with his family: he’s a winner with us! The race consisted of: Swim 1/2 mile, Bike 21 miles, Run 5.2 miles
Chris wasn’t happy with his finish time (2:08) but we all disagree. It was an admirable finish for his first triathlon. And, he had some technical difficulties … his bike chain was off when he went to get on his bike AND he got horrible cramps on the run. His next tri will be a slam dunk.
Big thanks to Uncle Erik for spending his morning with us, helping to wrangle children, find parking spaces and generally be all around awesome.
We had a super fun night with our friends Lisa, Deron and their son Oskar this week. It turns out that all 2 year old boys like water; or at least our two do!
Lily and I have been the dynamic duo this week and last, having tons of fun at Bramble Berry and generally raising the cuteness factor at the warehouse by 1000fold. She did her second video shoot today; you can see it here. She is quite the trooper! Not everything is hunky dorky land in the life of Lily. She’s refusing to eat without major cajoling (and much crying) so we have a lactation specialist coming over this week to help us all get some peace and hopefully keep her on the path to gaining weight. Overall though, if that’s the major issue right now, we’re feeling pretty lucky and blessed. Happy Monday! And, have a great week =)
Hi Anne-Marie,
I felt so sad when you said Baby Lily won’t eat without being coerced. I had similar problems with my first, and it was primarily food-allergy related. If something in the milk bothers them they relate nursing to discomfort. I had to go off all dairy, eggs, spices, NUTS, chocolate, and all gassy veggies. If you try a very bland diet of meat ( I know I despise it too), potatoes, rice, bland veggies and non acidic fruit just for a few days, and see if there’s a big difference. Then introduce just one thing at a time for a few days each to check for a reaction. It does seem to let up a lot at about 6 mos. I had 3 out of 4 that I had to do this with. It was worth it for the peace and calm, tho!!! God Bless and Good luck! She’s beautiful!
I did an elimination diet with Jamisen and it was definitely a bland diet. I remember it not fondly (like you!).
The Lactation Consultant came over last night and were both relieved when we weighed how much food she was taking in and it was a very healthy amount in 4 minutes (!) so that put my mind to ease that she wasn’t and isn’t starving. We still had a challenging night last night but I was able to be calm about it because I knew she was getting adequate nutrition in the short feeding time I could keep her feeding. =) If she continues to be fussy, I’ll definitely do the elimination diet. I just remember losing so much weight and that just does not seem like a good idea now…