It’s only halfway through the weekend and we’ve packed enough fun in for multiple weekends. It wasn’t until after I had baby Jamisen that I realized why everyone looked forward to the weekend – play time! Pre-baby, weekends were for working, hiking and reading. And post-baby, weekends are for crawling races, hiking and reading. It’s not all that much different except it’s minus most of the work-work. Obviously, I still have housework with Mr. Jamisen loving to take things **out** of drawers but not so enthused about putting them back **into** drawers.
I spent part of the day (during Jamisen’s nap times) at the Bellingham Farmer’s Market gathering signatures for a public show of support for a wrongfully fired Port Director (local news coverage on it here). If you happen to live in Whatcom County and want to sign the petition, you can find it here. It was such a delight to spend part of the day outside, in the sun (one of the first days of sun in Bellingham recently) and then intersperse it with quality baby time. I can already see my freckles coming out with just a few hours in the sun.
Chris, Jamisen and I did over 5 miles of ‘urban hiking’ (glorified term that means ‘pushing stroller on sidewalks’), got crepes for breakfast and did a quick afternoon walk as well (overindulging on sunshine is such a luxury). Jamisen has this fun little thing he does on our walks: he coos and sings most of the way to our destination. Notice that even with the sun, Jamisen is still very bundled up. It’s not very warm outside yet.
Jamisen is such a happy baby. Chris and I are amazed at how fun and easy he is. He has found his nose – as evidenced in the photo below. I never did get him to sit still for this photo set.
We did his 11 month old photo shoot as well (I told you we packed a lot in a day!).
He sat still for a grand total of two photos. I am counting my blessings for these two photos because the rest of the photos were of the back of his head.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend! I know I’ll be enjoying mine with the family.
Wait until he wants to help clean the house. My niece took one of her dad’s shirts and “cleaned” the toilet with it before trying to flush it away and flooding the bathroom… My sister couldn’t couldn’t scold her because she was “helping Mommy clean”. 😉
He is such a cutie. Blessings to you always 🙂
Thank you! =) We are really loving having him in our household – such a happy little guy.
What fun! It’s great that you got out and enjoyed the sunshine.
Jamisen’s legs look so long in the photos of him in the seat 🙂 He looks like a very healthy and active little guy.
Just think – the next photo shoot will be the one year mark! Thanks for sharing with us. It’s fun to get to watch him grow.
I got some SERIOUS sun – like, I can actually see color in my face. Whoops. I guess I should have worn more sunscreen =)
Jamisen has this hilarious little high gear that he does when he crawls – he reminds me of the Road Runner in the Wily E. Coyate cartoon – vrrrrroooooooom! and off he goes. Yes, he is very active! =)
What a packed day- I bet you were exhausted at the end of it.
That first picture brings back so many memories of my son. They just grow so fast- I miss the baby days now. 🙁 Cherish every bit of it.
Jamisen is so adorable and looks exactly like you. 🙂
I was SO tired and this morning, 6 a.m. came WAY too soon. But it’s worth it – we laughed so much today (and yesterday).
Jamisen is my little shape shifter. He looks like his Dad some weeks and then, his head will take a more pumpkin shape and he’ll look like me. =)
I’m thankful that he’s such a happy little guy. We are SO lucky!
Oh, gorgeous pics! Thank you for sharing them Anne-Marie. I especially love the first one.. lol. I had a little darling who loved to take things out all the time. Oh wait, I had 3 of them 😉
It was a major breakthrough today – he started (gasp!) putting stuff back in the drawer. Are you kidding me? Could I be so lucky!? =)
Thanks for sharing these sweet photos Anne Marie.
Jamisen ic so cute god bless him.
thank you for all the hard work you put on your site-Blog-Video
I’am a huge Fan of yours from Dubai
Thanks Um! The blog is such a fun way to connect with friends all over the world so I feel lucky that anyone reads it.=)
My husband does a lot of business in the Middle East. He has an office in Kohbar KSA and goes back for business. He was gone 3 weeks before Jamisen was born! Now that was cutting it close. =)
Thanks for the Reply Anne Marie,
Hope to see you in the middle East Soon. I will be more than happy to welcome you to Dubai.
Have A wonderful day.
With 1 Toddler and a new born myself the days are moving so fast. sometime i wish i could get more than 24 Hrs a day to catch up.
some other days i just sit and enjoy the mess and wish i had the magic stick to put every thing in order again.
you and the little prince are lucky ,around here we don’t enjoy outdoor much if we do so we will be fried the sun is tooooo hot yesterday was 38 C.
What a sweetie, enjoy the stroller days. It gets harder when THEY want to push the stroller instead of you.
So precious, enjoy every second of his sweet personality!
Jamisen is SO energetic that I have no doubt that it will happen. =)
He is getting so big!
He’s almost 21 pounds now =) I notice it when I carry him for sure!