For some reason, I have it in my head that a Christmas tree that we stalk ourselves and then cut down is somehow better than a tree purchased pre-cut. For that reason, I drag my husband (and now young son) out every holiday to freeze, while trying to hold a hacksaw. It’s a delightful holiday tradition that I’m sure Jamisen + unborn sibling will thank me for one day. More realistically, they’ll thank their father who does all the heavy lifting and cutting. Either way, it’s all about holiday happiness.
We decided that we didn’t need to walk all the way to the back to get the ‘best’ tree and that we’d be able to find a great tree in the front row. And, somehow, when we found the ‘perfect’ tree in the front row, we just had to keep walking. It was almost like it if wasn’t hard to find, it wasn’t somehow ‘good.’
Well, after traversing the entire tree farm multiple times, we made it back to the front row where we figured out a dirty little tree farm secret: all the trees up in the front rows have been manicured within an inch of their little tree lives so they look more attractive than the average tree from the road. Thus, we happily found our perfect tree and claimed it as our own.
Being from the “city” I went (for the first time ever)last year with my boyfriend and his family to do just this. It was super cold (yeah….the mid 40’s is super cold to us Louisiana peeps) and raining a bit, but it was the best time I’ve ever had getting a tree. Also, watching my boyfriend cut it down made it all the better!
I agree! I love the experience. The quote:
“In truth a family is what you make it. It is made strong, not by the number of heads counted at the dinner table, but by the rituals you help family members create, by the memories you share, by the commitment of time, caring and love you show to one another, and by the hopes for the future you have as individuals and as a unit” – Marge Kennedy
I live by that as we design our family life and the tree hunting? One of the rituals that is here to stay!
Well if that isn’t a pic to have enlarged, I don’t know what is!! Check out those Happy Guys!!
Aw, thanks Lona! I think my guys are both adorable (and so happy!). I am extremely lucky!
That’s just so darn adorable!