Normally, Thursday is the day that I always post my soapy tutorials. And, fear not, I have one for this week but I’m running behind for the day (Soap Queen TV shoots this weekend and we’re rebuilding the set right now) so, I’m hoping that the sight of a cute baby will distract you.
See! Distracted! You didn’t even notice that you were on a soap blog looking for a soap project, did you?
Jamisen is close to 15 pounds and is sooooo close to sitting up. We’re looking forward to seeing him hit this next milestone but until he does, check out his neck strength and adorable smile:
In case you are wondering, he is not yet sleeping but I am certain that he will… eventually. We are doing sleep scheduling and the ‘Healthy Baby, Healthy Sleep Habits’ method of crying extinction at night in the hopes of teaching him good sleep habits now rather than later (I know he’s thinking: “What? My Mom isn’t going to be there to rock me to sleep when I’m 19 years old and in college?!”).
Another neck strength display (and his first time in a high chair – it’s old school so we were able to prop him up with the tray so he didn’t slip and was able to be supported). He was absolutely dazzled by the fact that there was a place for his toys. He then proceeded to throw each and every toy off the tray, multiple times, and, in an impressive display of gravity, they all fell to the ground. In an equally impressive display of psychology, his Mother picked them up each and every time. Who’s training who?
We also got Jamisen a little exersaucer that he finds completely intriguing. It is colorful and has music, lights and bouncing. He is highly entertained and we’re entertained watching him!
We love being parents and find each day intriguing, with something new to learn and laugh about. I suspect we’ll even be laughing more when we’re sleeping 4 or 5 straight hours a night!
And tomorrow, I promise – back to soap and soapy projects. Thanks for the break as we repaint, re-stain and re-design the SoapQueen.TV set.
Es un chico divino, el habla con sus ojitos
“…..He then proceeded to throw each and every toy off the tray, multiple times, and, in an impressive display of gravity, they all fell to the ground. In an equally impressive display of psychology, his Mother picked them up each and every time. Who’s training who?….”
That cracked me up! but it’s so true, who is training who? Sometimes I swear my 5 year old Wesley is the boss of the house.
Best Wishes you guys, he really is quite entertaining!
I am so so thrilled to find another (amazing talented) soaper with a baby amidst. Our wee Arik is 9.5 months and STILL not sleeping so I completely understand.
He’s bloody adorable, I love the looks!!! I just found your blog now and am so in love
9.5 months!? Congrats! I both long for him to get older but dread it. I love every stage so much and look back and go “Whoah, was he ever that small!?”
Welcome to the blog. It’s about 50% soap, product and project related. 25% business musings. 25% personal (and the personal has been all baby, baby, baby for the last 5 months) =)
It worked, I was distracted!! So cool that you would think of something THAT good while suffering from chronic sleep deprivation……….but OH SO worth it!! That surprised look is a real classic!!! You should show the pic of it to all his dates when he brings them home to meet Mom and Dad!!! 😉
Re: dating, I tell myself all the time that my goal is to raise a man who is worthy of being a husband. Fingers crossed! =)
Yep, worked on me, totally distracted! I had to laugh at your 2nd shot:) he really does look like he’s totally suprised and shocked, WHAT? you mean I’m not going to be rocked to sleep at 19???? he’s sooooo adorable! treasure every moment, because the time goes in a flash and before you know it they are 17 going on 37 lol.
He he =) Did first sleep training last night and it literally went textbook – just like the books said it would so we’re on the track to him learning sleep skills that don’t involve his Mommy holding his hand and rocking him to sleep. LOL!
He makes me laugh. I miss him sooooooo much during the day – especially because things are going so fast timewise.
Oh he is just getting so big so fast! What a cutie pie! My son is 3 yrs old now and it just seems like we came home from the hospital yesterday. My son had the same Jump-A-Roo. He LOVED LOVED LOVED that!!! He would jumpy jump for 20+ minutes, then rest for a few minutes and jumpy jump. If anyone even darned take him out after only a hour, he would scream! Put him in, he would be fine! The amazing thing is he only ever fell asleep in it once and that was after being in it for almost 2 hours. He just did not like getting out of it once you put him in. When he out grew it, we had to hide it so he wouldn’t get upset about not getting to use it.
Enjoy every moment…because these are the moments!
Jamisen loves it too as is just starting to learn how to jump in it now that his feet are just barely touching the floor. Good hint about hiding it when he outgrows it =)
Who needs tv when you have a baby to keep you entertained? Plus, he’s helping you with your stretching and bending by throwing those toys on the floor.
Exactly! I love how you think! =)
Have you tried baby massage to help him unwind at bedtime? I know it worked with my daughter. Sometimes when she would wake up at night I would also do the massage then and she would go right back to sleep and sleep the whole night.
Now that he is in a high chair, it will be just a short time before he is eating finger foods. A short hint; purchase a cheap shower curtain liner and place his high chair on it. Makes food spills so easy to clean up.
I love your baby Jamison posts. He is beautiful and it takes me back to some really precious days with my own baby. Keepem coming please. I really look forward to them.
Yes, he LOVES his baby massage. My husband thinks it’s quite hilarious that his son gets a full body massage nightly. Ha ha.
Jamisen goes down to bed easily every night – it’s just that he gets up between 10-20 times during the nighttime. We did the ‘no cry sleep solution’ which involved patting and comforting and a slow slow extinction and he does go to sleep again after the comforting and patting but now we need him to be able to wake up and NOT need us there patting and comforting him so that’s what we’re working on now. Last night was Night One and it was textbook and I’m hoping that tonight continues to be textbook (less crying, less wake ups etc…)
Thanks for the shower curtain suggestion. That is BRILLIANT!
“I know he’s thinking: “What? My Mom isn’t going to be there to rock me to sleep when I’m 19 years old and in college?!” ” – Oh my goodness…LMAO!!
The wide-eyed expressions of his are truly priceless! He is an absolute doll!
I have an acquaintance who is still sleeping with her 6 year old daughter and while that works for their family, I didn’t see it working long term for us so we’re slowly working towards sleep training. Last night was our first night and the sleep training went textbook so I’m hoping that ‘extinction’ starts happening. He was up 8 times between 9 p.m. and 6:30 a.m. this morning and even that was better than previous nights. Fingers crossed.
sorry sorry sorry it is Jamisen! My oh My how could I be so wrong….
Everytime I watch the pictures of Jameson with a big smile. He is so adorable! And please Anne-Marie enjoy this cute little bundle of joy. I know what it is to be childless, wish I could switch places, allthough I don’t wish any woman who so bad wants childeren to feel this pain, we feel.
Love the way you share your personal life with your business life. It sometimes feel like I know you a littlebit 🙂
Kind regards,
Esther and a big hug from far away for Jameson!
Simply a wonder! His expressions of wonder and intrigue are so adorable and such a smile!! Thank you for sharing with us!
I gave him a piece of paper to keep him busy a couple days ago and that kept him occupied for like 20 minutes! It’s a good reminder that he is learning, every day, from every interaction, and things that look very simple to me are complex and interesting to him.
I really know how you feel as I had a non-sleeping baby, his father traveled and I worked full time. He is going to be 24 next month(so he lived lol), but I remember, someday it will happen!!! You have a real cutie just enjoy they grow up so quickly!!! Keep the faith!!!:):)
Thanks for chiming in. Hearing good results is really terrific. My husband does a bit of travel as well but he’s been grounded in Bellingham since Jamisen was born so I feel very lucky to have him as an extremely active co-parent right now.
I really know how you feel with a non sleeping baby!!!! I had one of those and wow!!!! Some day it will happen, keep up the faith!!!
I forgot to tell you, he is going to be 24 in a month and lived!!!!!!lol You have a cutie just enjoy!!!!!
Ha! Love that support. Keep the good stories coming! =)
I see both of you in Mr J.. yeah good thing to let him cry, he will go to sleep and wont be to spoiled hahahaha. I didnt run right in when my kids cried right away, i also didnt keep the house quite either i just went about like normal, cause if you keep it to quite every little bump will wake the baby… dont want him sleeping with ya when he gets older besides when you goign to have another? But look at that smile.. omg it melts you lol
His smile is enough to make me go through many many sleepless nights.
We did the modified crying solution last night. He was up 8 times between 9 p.m. and 6:30 a.m. (his wake up time) and each time, cried between 5 and 13 minutes. I checked on him, comforted him by patting him and letting him hear my calm voice, every 5 minutes. And he put himself to sleep every time.
Hopefully tonight will be better. =)
What a great smile. Quite the handsome guy.
Thank you! He’s starting to look more like his Dad every day =)
So cute Anne-Marie! I think every single parent ends up getting trained as a retriever… He is absolutely precious. 🙂
He he, that’s me, Retriever Numero Uno! It’s a combination of terrorizing me with screeches when he doesn’t get his way followed up with extremely adorable smiles when he does get his toy back – really, they should use that sort of punishment reward system for more things in life. It’s extremely effective =)
Oh enjoy him it goes by so fast. I say that about my 8 month old. Love the pics. He’s adorable!!
8 months old? Congratulations! That is fantastic. It is SO much fun isn’t it? He’s just learning to sit up and that’s been amazing to see the development, day by day. It goes by extremely fast and it’s more rewarding than I ever thought possible.
Oh my GOODNESS- he is sooooo precious! I still adore that picture of baby J bundled up in between all those soaps!
Oh I know! Wasn’t he so teensy tiny then? It seems like a million years ago =)) Sigh.