My brother Erik and his beautiful wife Cheriss are expecting their first child any day now. We are beyond excited for them and were so happy to host their baby shower. Cheriss did not want a ‘traditional’ baby shower. She wanted a crafty, DIY, activity-based morning of fun that was less about “guess the new Mom’s circumference” and more about creating. We did a DIY Onesie Painting station, a DIY mimosa station, and an advice station.
The DIY bath fizzy station was a HIT! The little packaging / mold genius goodies allowed everyone to take home their fizzies and not worry about their fragile nature. Here’s what I had for a shower of 10 people.
2 pounds Baking Soda
1 pound Citric Acid
Witch Hazel + spray bottle

I did a quick demo of how to make bath fizzies and then, everyone started in. Because the molds double up as packaging, it was a perfect make’n’take. Bonus! The molds help the fizzies harden up and keep the two sides together. Tip: overfill the two sides and squish and turn until the male and female parts of the mold seal. Then, you’ll be sure to get a fizzy that sticks together in one lovely round. This mold makes even the newest newbie look like a pro!
In addition to fun things going on with Erik and Cheriss, things are really progressing at our home. Lily, at 13 months now, is toddling around like a little wobbly baby duckling. She actually can’t walk. Yet. But she sure wants to try! She can walk with just one adult hand supporting her. Walking is her favorite thing to do.
Her communication skills are coming right along. She can say “Hi” and “Bye” by waving. Her two words are “YEAH!” and “Mama.” Grandma is still her favorite person in the world =)
She is a daredevil! She LOVES loves loves to take risks. The other day, we caught her jamming a bike under the teeter totter so she could stand up fully on the teeter totter. We know it wasn’t an accident because she did it again with another tool later that day (the cart this time). She was successful and did balance herself on the teeter totter (see Instagram for proof).
Those two teeth (and only two!), proudly on display. She is happy … all the time. ALL the time. It’s incredible. She is good natured with her brother, even as he pushes his limits with sharing and being kind.
Jamisen is learning numbers right now. He loves to do DIY projects with Mom. He says, “Mama, I want to do a craft project with you! Mama, I want you to stay home from work and do it with me!. Mama?” It’s so sweet and just endearing. I want to raise a crafty husband to make some very lucky partner happy in many (20+!) years.
Lest you worry that Jamisen is getting too soft with all these crafts, his Daddy has him fishing (catch n’ release; I swear!). Behold, his first fish! Go Jamisen!
With summer here, we’ve goth been getting in amazing outdoor time. Chris has been biking up a storm in preparation for his triathlon this weekend and I’ve been hiking and reconnecting with the beautiful old growth forests in the PNW – while seeing good friends of course. Jamisen and I took the train up to Vancouver, BC this weekend with one of his friends. He loved every minute of it! Life is magical and blessed. We are so very lucky and don’t take it for granted… ever.
I plan on purchasing the molds. Would be nice if the PDF of instructions came with.
Hi Jay!
I will be sure to pass the suggestion along, thank you, and I hope you love the molds 🙂
-Amanda with Bramble Berry
Awesome! I bought those molds with just such a fun crafty activity in mind. Summer is so great for doing crafty things. Thanks for all the great ideas!
Ooooh, so great to hear that. I love that you have the molds – and I can’t wait to hear what you think of them. =)
Your kids are so adorable! My first grand baby was born 2 days ago, and I am just over -thrilled!!! I would like to know if there is a print out of the bath bomb instructions you have in the picture? Would love to use for a party soon!! Thanks!
Hi Dawnia!
Currently this PDF is only available in our Bath Bomb kit, which is in the link below. We can certainly look into making the PDF available by itself, thanks for the suggestion 🙂
The instructions are part of this kit:
-Amanda with Bramble Berry