This is the time of year that is naturally contemplative; the days are short, the year is over and we are looking ahead to the New Year. We celebrate the joys of this year and also lament the things that didn’t get done or friends, family and pets we lost. In that spirit, I am always so grateful to crack open a new paper planner and start the year afresh, with a new set of goals, dreams, and outcomes for 2016.
I’m speaking at the Indie Business Cruise this year. One of the topics I’m touching on is the reason that New Year’s Resolutions often fail. They fail for a lot of reasons – we make too many of them, or we make goals that are way too big. Another reason they fail is because we make goals that we think we “should.” We make them for whatever reason: society, our parents, the voice in our head that tells us we’re never good enough. It’s human nature to make goals that aren’t truly meaningful to us. We “should” on ourselves. Let’s end that, this year. One of the ways to do this is to design goals that are values-driven.
If you’d like this year to be the year that starts off right, grab a piece of paper and freehand the answer to the following questions:
- Write down the 4 people you most admire in your life (living or dead) that you actually know.
- Write down 2 people who you admire (living or dead) who you don’t know (famous figures, historical figures).
- Write down 30 adjectives (descriptive characteristics) for each of those 6 people (stumped on values? Here’s a list of 400 of them that is web based, or this one that is a PDF download and is even better). You should end up with 30 adjectives.
- Go through and pick out your top 5 from the list that best represents principles, standards, or qualities that you believe are important in your life. Would you be satisfied if those 5 words were on your gravestone?
- Rank them from 1-5 (one being the most important, 5 being the least).
These are your core values. These are the things that motivate you; the things you want people to say you embodied after you are long gone; they are the things that are most important to you in your life. Sit with your list for a few weeks. Pull the words out. Re-read them. See if they hold true. I’ve done this exercise 5 times in the last 20 years. I can find some historical (cough cough, old) copies of my values exercises and most of those words have been in my list for 20 years (hard work, integrity, accountability, positivity). The ones that have rotated were always in position 5 on the list (mastery, curiosity, thankfulness, recreation, inspiration). Values generally do not change. They are constants in your life to guide you, to help you find the right path and to prod you when you’re slipping.
One goal this year was to run a half-marathon. This summer, I participated in the Bellingham Bay Half Marathon!
Read through your words and let them guide you as you make your goals for 2016. At this point in my life, I have a business (yay), a family (so blessed) and myself (put your life jacket on first!) so believe it or not, I do multiple sets of goals. With the help of my team, I do a set of goals for Bramble Berry (and Otion and Handmade Beauty Box). I also do a set just for myself. Last year, my big goal was to start a meditation practice. I did more than 350 days of meditation this year thanks to the Oprah/Deepak Meditation series (seriously, if you haven’t tried it, it’s gold). All the other goals on the personal list were completed (but really, let’s be honest, it’s only because I didn’t put flossing on there like I did in 2014 … flossing is still my nemesis). Chris and I also do a set of goals for our family. It’s a lot of goal setting, but great lives don’t happen by accident and, we want great lives. I hope you want a great life for yourself as well. That takes planning, work and follow-through. You’re worth it; your business is worth it; your family and community are worth it.
I like to make goals for different areas of my life, including personal, business and of course, family! These kiddos inspire and drive me to create the best lives possible for them and myself.
Having a “North Star” – an endpoint to your map – is important to making sure that you make forward progress this year. Things do not just ‘happen’ because you think about them. They happen because you DO them. So, take pen to paper, look at your values, really see them and take them in, and then start thinking about where you want to be in 5 years, 10 years. Break that down to the 1 year goal – and then break that goal down to the quarterly goal – and then break that goal down to the monthly goal and keep breaking that goal down into bite-sized chunks so that it becomes something that you can do. During 2016, when you do this tiny chunk of a goal, celebrate the success to give yourself the momentum to keep on chuggin’ toward that finish line of your goal.
Live your life with intention. You’re worth it!
My Personal Goals for Q1, 2016 are below. I break goals down by quarters because they’re easier when done by quarters. Also, little kids means life is unpredictable, zany and fun…and sometimes difficult to plan for!
On of my goals for the year to be able to do the splits! I practice every night =)
(1) Stretch Goal, Literally: splits training every night, minimum 5 minutes. Gold standard 20 minutes.
(2) Quality time: extended play date weekend away with kids + another family
(3) Active every day: 8,000 steps on Fitbit or 1 strength-training workout at gym
(4) Always learning: read 14 books, including 4 business books
(5) My body is a temple: go 21 days without sugar (aka: ‘yes, read the ingredients on the ketchup bottle’ serious level no sugar)
A dream without goals is just a fantasy.What are your goals for this year? I would love to hear about what your core values are, and how they are driving your goals for the year. Leave a comment below to share, and I’ll pick one winner to receive a set of planning tools (including a diary planner, a planner for personal and a planner for business with a value of $64.95). I will choose a winner this coming Monday, January 4th.
Update: It was so hard to choose just one person to win this contest. Everybody had such amazing goals, and it was inspiring to read them all. Thank you so much for sharing them with me. =) The two comments that really stood out to me were from Maria and Oliva. Be on the lookout for an email to receive your prizes!
Dear Anne-Marie
Thanks so much, I am very happy, this planning tools will be really helpful, but the most important is the effect this post had in all of us, it put us on motion. Since I replied it first, I took 3 days in a row sitting and organising my mind, I already have a draft for my 2016, 2021, and 2026 big goals. As you said we need our North Star.
Thanks very, very much, lots of joy and happiness in your next decade of goals.
Congratulations, Maria!
Thanks Jocelyn!
Wow! That is incredible. Nice work on the organization. I had such a fun time this year color-coding my yearly goals. Sure, a bit OCD but super pretty and super fun! =)
The paper planner that I’m sending is the one that my Bellingham Mastermind group used last year and two of the members called it ‘life changing’. I personally find paper planners to be key for me – and the main key is just to do the system and the exercises.
Have a great 2016 and beyond! =)
Color coding for the goals is an excellent idea, not so OCD, I was color coding my atelier today with my assistant, LOL, as more organised you have things is much easier later, I didn’t thought about the color coding for the goals, but I believe will suit me. I can’t wait to receive the planner.
I LOVE making goals pretty. I have a full set of the Stabilo pens for that reason. And, I was just thinking that I needed to buy more rainbow colored post-it notes for my planner. You’ve inspired me; I’m going to go buy some now …. =)
Dear Anne Marie,
OMG the package arrived to the island yesterday. I just love it all. The business planner is “the” most pretty business planer ever. I just can’t thank you enough for it. Its perfect, I just finished the 2015 closing pages, and helped me to visualise so many things, I dont think ever again I will live with out it. I need to get my hands on the personal planner. I hope I have time tonight.
Thanks a lot.
Oh my goodness, I am so excited!! The planning tools will definitely help with my goals. This has really inspired me with my gap year and given me the push I needed to plan and make sure I spend that time wisely. I am so happy to have won! Thank you so much Anne-Marie and the BB team!
Also, congratulations Maria!
Congratulations, Olivia!
Thank you, Jocelyn! 🙂
I hope you enjoy it when you get the care package =) It’s the program that my Bellingham Mastermind group used last year and everyone got a lot out of it.
I certainly will enjoy it! I cannot wait to get it. Especially now that I know your Mastermind group used it. Thank you Anne-Marie!
Dear Olivia, I wish I had at 18 the focus you have, you will do really well this year, when I was 18 went to the law school already…. after 2 years I figure out was just not me… a gap year can be a really good thing.
Thank you Maria, that means a lot. I understand about not knowing what you want to do in college and the for rest of your life. I’m hoping the gap year will help me get some clarity. I’m not as organized as I wish I was; writing down goals and actually fulfilling them are two different things! I am excited to win the planners, though. That will definitely help!
Wow, I am super impressed that you set goals 5 and 10 years in advance. I hope your planning and goal-fulfilling go really great for you in 2016 and beyond!! Congrats on winning the planning tools!
Nov 2015 I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, It’s been a really tough last year. I can’t be thankful enough for being able to find something that I can do, making soap. Which was just a hobby a few years ago but may have to be more than that now. The Rheumatologist highly recommended I do yoga every single day. My goal is to do yoga every day even if it is just sun salutations to start. And I have always wanted to go raw vegan. I will try this for one month this year I haven’t picked the month yet. And if it goes well I plan to stay one. I still have a teen at home so I do my best to show her that I can and will stay strong no matter what a doctor says. I have always been the one to jump straight out of bed excited the Monday lover and extra positive. It’s been a little different scince I was in a car accident. My goal is to be who I was just a year ago. Because even if it just something that seemed so small it really is quite huge. And you don’t know that until it is gone. I want me back is my goal. Thanks Anne-Marie for sharing your inspiration. Sincerely, Kristie
I have one major goal for the year and that is to be better than last. There are a whole bunch of “minor(huge)” subgoals, but they all lead to making my business and family better than last year! First up: Branding… I may learn to love illustrator yet 🙂
Oh, Illustrator … how I do NOT love thee. You and I have a similar sounding relationship with that program. I even took a class at the college thinking that if I learned how to use it better that I would be more apt to love it. Nada. Not so much so that is definitely a worthy goal. =)
Here’s to small improvements leading to big things – and, a better year than last.
My goals are:
1) At a minimum, double my sales from 2015 for my business
2) Participate in at least 6 street fairs or pop-up shops in 2016
3) Learn how to code
4) Drink more water. At least six glasses a day
5) Work out (at the very least) every other day for at least an hour.
6) Take four cooking classes (one class must include a prep class)
7) Do at least one thing a month that frightens or intimidates me that I know will be beneficial for my development as a person (i.e. Do more speeches in my Toastmasters class, attend more networking functions, etc)
Hi Jocelyn – Wow, those are some intense goals! I tried a couple online coding courses and it takes a brain unlike mine for sure =) I wish you much luck on that one. If you do that, you’ll be light years ahead in your business because you’ll be able to control your method of sales online (make changes yourself, design a website etc.). That is a fantastic goal.
I also really like that you’re very specific about how many fairs/shops you want to participate in for 2016. I’m sure this will help you with doubling your sales for your business.
We have a great cooking class company in our small town and I’ve taken several classes there. One of the dishes they taught has become a staple in my house. They’re definitely worth it! =)
Have a great – and healthy – 2016. You’re on your way to making this a breakthrough year. =)
I could have sworn I left a comment here…oh well, I will leave one again. My goal is to learn to make soap..LOL I will be picking your brain like crazy and already made my first order for some supplies. ((((((hugs))))))
OOOOOH! I love that goal! Yeah! Here’s three cheers to creativity in the new year – and to learning a consumable art form. You will never ever be without presents again =)
I have 2 major year goals, one business and one personal. Im going to double the size of my business. Mainly through being at more expos, but also through opening a website. My big personal goal is to build my stamina and work at getting full movement back. You see, i broke my neck in June and was told i would be a paraplegic. Im now only using a walker on longer walks and want to be able to retire it. 🙂
WOW! That is huge, Sara Beth. You broke your back and you’re rehabbing and learning to walk again AND you’re going to double your business through expos. That is incredible. Way to go for it and think/plan/act big. I am impressed by your fortitude and attitude and dedication. Here is to 2016!
Lots to think about! Thanks for sharing!
I would love to know what you’re thinking about for your goals – or if you came up with values to guide you in your life and in your upcoming year =)
I heard a story today that inspired me with my New Year’s goals. It goes something like this.
A man was giving a demonstration at a business conference. He put a big glass container in front of him, and filled it with large rocks until no more would fit. He then turned to the audience and asked, “Is the container full?” All the business men and women nodded their heads, for they could plainly see that the container was filled to the brim. The man giving the demonstration then turned back to the container and poured a bucket of gravel into it. All the pieces of gravel filtered down in between the large rocks and fit soundly into the container. Next, the man took a bucket of sand and poured it into the container. The grains of sand filled in the tiny cracks between the pieces of gravel and leveled off at the top of the container. Finally, the man took a bucket of water and poured it into the container. The water flowed in between all the tiny spaces between the sand and filled the container to the brim. He then turned to the audience and said, “Now is the container full? If I had put the water, the sand, and the gravel into the container first, and then tried to put in the large rocks, they would not have fit and the container would have overflowed. But by putting the large rocks in first, I could successfully fit in all the smaller materials. What am I trying to demonstrate here?” Someone in the crowd raised his hand and said, “What you’re trying to tell us is life seems to get so busy and our schedules seem to be so full, but if we just work harder, we can always fit one more thing in.” The man giving the demonstration replied, “Absolutely not! Quite the opposite, in fact. The point I’m trying to make is, if you focus on all the smaller, more unimportant things in your life first, you will not have room for the big things. But first make time for the things that really matter in your life, even to the exclusion of other lesser things. Then all the small things will fall into place as they should.”
So the big goal:
1) Put God and my relationship with Jesus Christ first. Practice living out my faith in Him everyday. Make time to read my Bible and spend time in prayer first thing in the morning everyday. Be joyful in all things, life is good!
And the lesser, yet second in importance goals:
1) Make time for my family, be there for my Mom who is going through some rough health issues at the moment.
2) Invest time and energy into developing closer relationships in some up-and-coming friendships. Make time to go to lunch, have a chat on the phone, go for a run together. Let people in my life know that I appreciate them. Keep up the writing club that some friends and I have together.
3) Spend my high school gap year time wisely, exploring my many interests.
a) Apply for scholarships
b) Submit an application and get hired at a particular local small-business to get some experience in that field and see if that is what I want to pursue in college.
c) Further explore my interest in “flipping” – buying antiques and vintage items at yard/garage/estate sales and reselling for profit – and possibly move from eBay to an Etsy store.
d) Write at least 5 days a week, and submit freelance articles to magazines. Get published this year!
e) Finish Kevin Dunn’s “Scientific Soapmaking”, and do all the experiments.
f) Volunteer with small, local farms to help garden and then sell at farmer’s markets
And then the smaller things:
1) Ride or work with my horse twice a week.
2) Practice piano playing twice a week.
3) Exercise every day; either running or practicing soccer
4) Read books, both educational and fiction (haven’t decided on how many yet, perhaps one a month)
5) Grow some of my own healthy food this summer
6) Get chickens this spring
I have some more goal ideas as well, and I haven’t completely formed them all yet, but I will be working on it this week. I have tons of interests, so my goal list can get really long and a little out of control sometimes! I also am going to try to add others monthly instead of planning them all out at the beginning of the year. Sometimes it’s hard to plan everything a year in advance. I made my own planner sheets last year because I couldn’t find a free one I liked well enough online. I really like the system of making a big goal for a year, and then making monthly goals to achieve that big goal, and then weekly goals to achieve each monthly goal, and then daily goals to achieve the weekly ones, and before you know it this big, seemingly impossible yearly goal is broken down into day-sized tasks that you can easily complete and make progress on.
Goal-planning is a lot of fun; it’s sticking to them that’s the hard part for me! Keep the awesome posts coming, SoapQueen! 🙂
I did forget one thing. I think it’s important to be flexible and be ok with embracing imperfection. If you have to slip on the lesser goals in order to put the more important ones first, that’s ok. Remember that the goals are there for you, you’re not there for the goals.
I’m excited for the New Year and extremely blessed to be able to take a gap year and just soak up getting to try so many amazing things and be around some amazing people!
Thank you for the inspirational post! The business/planning/time-saving strategies/personal goals posts are some of my favorites. 😀
I just listened to a podcast this week (Lewis Howes School of Greatness interview with Alanis Morissette) and they mentioned that gap years are basically a thing everywhere but the US – and they talked about how valuable they can be. I hope you get to really make an awesome foundation this year with the time to reflect and learn about yourself =)
You just graduated from high school? Congratulations on that achievement and wow, you are organized. And interestingly enough, your goals look a lot like mine did after high school for me and what they do now! The piano playing, working out, the garden, relationship with family etc. Have you read the Stephen Covey “7 Habits of Highly Effective People? book yet? He has the ‘big rocks’ story in there as well. His book is one of the main thought systems I use to plan my life out actually. I highly recommend the book.
One of the ways I keep accountable is that paper planner – just like you’re doing. I make check marks and love crossing off the goals and to-do list things.
I can’t wait to read how your gap year goes! Please keep me posted =) PS – It’s almost time to grow pepper seeds inside if you’re going to start a garden this year.
Thank you for the comments! I actually have not graduated from high school yet. Because of the time restraints some scholarships have on them, I’m recording the rest of this year as my junior year (even though I’m doing senior level work), and then counting next year (the gap year) as my senior year. A little complicated, but it works out the same and makes the whole scholarship-applying process go smoother. 🙂 So I am doing some gap year activities this semester, but will really get into them this summer and next school year. I’m definitely looking forward to it! And planning is a must to ensure I spend that time wisely.
You’re right, I think it’s pretty much expected to take a gap year in a lot of parts of Europe. I personally believe that it’s a great idea and would encourage any high-schooler to take one. It’s quite the amazing opportunity to be “free” for one year in your life, and to take the time to deeply explore your interests, especially those things that are often considered non-conventional education (but that I think are very important things to discover about yourself. Not everything can be learned in a textbook).
I’m not as organized as I wish I was! But thank you! I have so many interests that it can be difficult for me to decide which ones I should pursue. That’s part of the reason I’m taking a gap year, as I don’t yet know what I want to do in college.
I have heard of that book, and it intrigues me every time I pass it in the book store! Now that you’ve personally recommended it, I’ll have to get it. 😉 I’ve been looking for some inspiring business-related books to read.
Yes, seed-starting time will be here before you know it! I currently have some winter garden plants growing in the greenhouse – lettuces, spinach, kale, escarole, carrots, kohlrabi and mâche.
Thank you so much for taking the time to respond! You are a very inspiring person to me. 🙂 I will update you on the gap year!
My goals for the year are to reduce clutter at home, procrastinate less at work and have a full “day of fun” with the kids & husband a week! Lofty goals for me, but I’m hopeful that they are attainable 😉
Hi Isabel – Those are totally attainable. Have you read “The Magical Art of Tidying Up” yet? It is a life changer – and the way it is written is hugely motivating. I basically threw out a good 1/3 of my “stuff” after reading that book. It was awesome!
It’s funny that you’re also doing goals around family time and really being intentional and scheduling that in. We did the same thing with our goals for 2016. My husband actually suggested it and I love the idea! =) Here’s to a great 2016!
Hi Anne-Marie!
That book is actually in my top 3 organizing books to read list – along with “it’s all too much” and “Busy moms guide to organizing” – sounds like I might only need the one book!
My husband is also on board with our family day of fun plan. He’s not as on board with the decluttering plan, unfortunately! One step at a time 🙂
I have several goals this year, but the main one is to really get organized and to spend my time intentionally. I waste too much time on social media, and that leads to missing out on opportunities and being present in the moment with my family.
Thank you for commenting Heather. As for social media, oh man, you and me both! It is so easy to spend 15 minutes just going down the rabbit hole of Twitter and then looking up and realizing that it is totally time for bed and that you’ve wasted all of your quality reading, stretching, meditation time. =) I think we all fall prey to the allure of social media (and news websites). Here’s to staying present and focused in 2016 for us both! =)
My focus in 2016 will be return to the basics…K.I.S.S. (Keep it simple sweetie)! Allowing the peace of God to rule my life, listening to the sweet soft voice of the Holy Spirit -( & following), & taking action w/ a purpose. No drama. No strife.
Just bought a couple soaping books. I flipped thru a few before I bought them and selected two. Guess what…? One is “Soap crafting”… so cool. I’m jazzed to start reading it.
So, here’s to an amazing 2016! Happy New Year!
Hi Wendy – Thank you for posting. I love the KISS philosophy and, the goals of no drama and no strife. Those are two goals that will help everything in 2016.
Thank you for buying my book =) That is awesome! I have a new one coming out at the end of this month from the same publisher. I can hardly wait. Here’s to kicking off 2016 right! =)
My goal for this year is to stay focused on growing my business without overworking myself.
Ah, that is a fantastic goal Katie. And such a balance. There are some weeks where I’m feeling like I’m doing a fantastic job with that and others that I am overwhelmed, overworked and definitely over tired. I can always tell based on how patient I am with my kiddos =) Have a great 2016!
My 2016 goal is to get my life in balance so that I have time for the things I enjoy. I spend so much time trying to be/do everything for everyone that I tend to neglect my own wants and needs.
I am naturally competitive and like to compare what I did last year against the year before whether it is business or personal. I have never had to worry about my health or fitness but in the last few years I have been plagued with unluck. Not bad luck , just unlucky with neck and back operations and I am about to have a knee operation on Wednesday. So my one goal this year has nothing to do with business and everything to do with me getting strong and healthy. I need to improve my core and overall strength and this will be done with basic core strength training which I can build on until I am fit and able to do weights again.
Thanks for a great blog and all your inspiration. You guys rock.
Odette, It’s so great to see you comment =) I know what you mean about being blessed with good health and having that really be a cornerstone in your life. I feel really lucky with my health too. I’m sorry to read about your neck and back and now knee operations. Yikes. That’s a lot of recovery and down time.
I love doing Pilates for core and strength training. There are so many great videos out there that can help you with a solid home practice and if you can swing it or find a reformer teacher in your area, you’ll really benefit from 1 on 1 or small group classes training too. I had a super bad abdominal injury two years ago and had to rehab for the last two years with Pilates and it’s been hugely helpful =)
I hope that you get your health back to solid ground in 2016! =)
It was interesting to make the lists for the people I know and those I didn’t know. There was an amazing number of the same adjectives for each of them. Apparently, I admire smart, creative, stubborn, honest, independent people with a great sense of humor, who hate to let others dictate to them who they should be, stand up for others who can’t stand up for themselves, are often more than a little wicked in a good way, encourage and support others, and love fiercely.
I’ve tried numerous ways to narrow my list to down 5 and the closest I’ve come to is the list of 6 below.I’m not known for being succinct. I’m counting the synonyms as one core value each set.
Humor, love/empathy, determination/perseverance/stubbornness, imagination/creativity, curiosity and intelligence.
I doubt anyone reading this would be surprised that I have several sets of goals for different areas of my life. But these are the core values that drive my goals in pretty much all areas of my life. I usually set lifelong goals that don’t have finite time points for success or failure but tasks that contribute toward achieving that goal. One goal is to be financially independent. I never want to depend on a single source of income again and I want to be completely debt free.
This year I’ve decided to take my business to the next level and divide it into two distinct parts along a naturally occurring divergence that has developed and take it digital before June. I’m attending the 2X4 in Nashville, the HSCG Conference in May where I will be testing to become a Certified Soapmaker and if I have time to get everything together try for the Advance then too. I have a list of new things to finish working on including my formulations for several things in development to complete my product line. I want two out this year if possible. One by June and the second by December. Secretly, I want to have at least 5 before the online store goes live with another one every month. Not going to happen but wouldn’t that be cool. I’d end up bouncing around in my own little padded room somewhere.
Personally, I am working on accepting that I can’t do everything and setting realistic goals. This is another lifelong goal and I’m not doing so well with this one. Let’s be honest, I’m stubborn and the easy way is boring. I work a full-time job and run essentially 2 businesses currently with plans to expand both. I also have several novels that I’ve written that I want to edit and publish. Accepting was not my list of core values for a reason.
The biggest goal is conquer my fears, to ignore my naysayers and live my life with humor, love, empathy for others, curiosity about the world around me seen and unseen, by being smart and thinking for myself and not letting other people tell me what I should be thinking or taking things at face value, live my life with determination, perseverance and an unwillingness to settle for second best.
Thank you for posting this. It helped to articulate what I’m doing and why. Now back to creating task lists, researching online stores and shopping carts, so I can make bubble bath and bubble bars tomorrow.
Sharon – Great job defining your values. Isn’t it interesting what and who we identify with and why? I love your lifelong goal of becoming financially independent. Dave Ramsey has great courses on that. I have had many friends over the years do his courses and practice the suggestions. I even have a few that are fully debt free (including mortgage).
I can’t wait to have you at 2×4 in Nashville. Thank you for your confidence in me and the rest of the teachers. YAY! I’ve done the soapmaker certification as well and gotten the top one and it was nerve wracking! =) Way to set that goal and go for it!
Your goals for your business are very specific (great job with that). I struggle with setting realistic goals too. I always think I can do everything and then I compound it by saying ‘yes’ to too much! =) I love that you have novels that you are also working on in addition to your business and your FT job. I sense a kindred spirit in you with over-committing. =) I hope that 2016 is YOUR year and that this is the year you look at and think to yourself, “Wow, that was the year that everything really came together for me in.”
Oh what fun it is to over commit! I have a really bad habit of say “sure, I can help!” or “It shouldn’t take that long.” Then the next thing I know, I don’t have time to breathe let alone get things done. Definitely something I have to watch out for all the time.
This year I’m working out what needs to get done and the deadlines are going into my calendar, and I’m basically creating an insane to do list. Then I plan to color code it so the most critical things don’t get over looked. I once studied for the wrong test in college and realized it late the night before the exam. I crammed all night and didn’t do well. I knew the material but it was so jumbled in my tired brain I couldn’t pull it out. The good news was that I did excellent my chemistry test the following week. After that, every assignment, paper, review session, test and everything else was listed in my calendar and color coded. Quizzes and exams in Orange. Papers in Pink. Then when I finished those I crossed them out in Blue. Seeing that swash of blue gave me a huge sense of accomplishment. I found myself working ahead instead of just keeping up. Once I get my task list done I’m going to color code it. The blue swash it as I finish things.
I am really trying to stay focused this year. To many times, I take on too much or I get pulled off course by people who mean well but don’t realize we have very different goals for our businesses. For them its a hobby and its not for me.
Congratulations on getting your Masters!! That takes a lot of work. When I read over the requirements last year part of me was “OMG! no way!” but another part of me keeps whispering in my ear ‘wouldn’t it be fun to try’. Maybe in a couple of years.
I’m looking forward to Nashville. Love the city! Great food and wonderful people! I’m excited to meet and learn from everyone. I have a really good feeling about this year. I’m very excited to see what happens.
Not sure where to ask, but I was thinking of signing up for that “Beauty Box” thing. However, when I click the subscribe button it doesn’t work for me. Not sure why…could be my computer, but Is that still being offered here?
Oh that’s not good to read. I’ll have Courtney write you about that ASAP and hunt that issue down. Thank you for letting me know! =)
Hi Anne Marie,
Love setting new goals for the New Year. This might be a funny comment BUT I have seen you mention the flossing problem a few times. I have this habit down and just wanted to share what I do. Since I shower everyday (everyone is grateful) I just put the floss in the shower. This not only reminds me but it also eliminates the gross out factor if that is an issue. Everything just gets rinsed away….my dentist even liked it :-).
Thanks for all you do!
Hi Gina, Good memory. I totally struggle with flossing. I will try that. It’s a great suggestion to put the floss in the shower. Thank you! And, happy new year!
I’m a single mother and last year I made a choice at the beginning of the year to have a closer relationship with God and to take care of my health and I lost 50 lbs. Then about in August I fell in love with making soap, lotions, scrubs ETC…..the whole kit and kaboodle and I’ve never made them, ha. I’ve researched and studied for months to learn this wonderful craft, but due to finances I’ve had to wait longer than I want to. Although, I started a second job and soon I’ll be able to fulfill my goals to start this craft and make it into a business. I’ve researched starting a business and I’m mentally aware of the time and work that it will take. I know it won’t be easy, but this is the first time that I have been able to truly work at something I love. I watch videos and research 5-6 days a week just to learn. I’ll be practicing CP for months before I sell. I’ll be using family and friends to get feed back. I plan on getting a soap making program. I will be registering my name. I have ideas on the size of soap that I want to make, this goes on and on. My core values are serving God, loving my family, and living life for others and myself. Come on 2016!
Way to go! We have very similar core values 😉 Soaping has become a wonderful creative outlet for me, and I am hooked. Just keep doing what you know to do, and God will take you the rest of the way 🙂
Dear Anne-Marie
Today for what ever reason I was very down, makes no sense because it has been a year of big accomplishments, at home pulling together a multicultural blended family with my fiancé, seriously not easy sometimes, we have 5 nations at home. This year has been also very important because last week I turned 40 🙂 I am able to support myself and my kids, and I am paying alone med school for my oldest daughter, yes I was a mother very young, I can crisscross many items on my red moleskin started 5 years ago, I have mostly all of the things I wanted to accomplish.
Business wise, thanks to you and your company BB, I turned a dream into a successful business, my perfume business came alive, and have also a wonderful business partner, we are great team together.
I have also a corporate job, that I love, I am the director of a development company, with a steady income that allows me to provide for me and my girls.
But I guess my biggest accomplishment this year is that my girls are so incredible proud of me, they dont stop telling me. 🙂
So why I had been so sad the last week? Now after reading your article, I am realising because I felt completely lost, I had my 5 year goals planned and accomplished so now what?? I just didn’t know where to start again. Sometimes goals settings is overwhelming for me. So I will stand up, shake off those down feeling and go for this simple to do very effective 2016 goals planning.
Thanks for being a big part of my life, because accomplishing your goals with BB and soap queen you did help me to accomplish mine.
Many blessings for 2016 for you, your family and your marvellous team.
Wow. Maria, that is one incredible goals update. First of all, yes! You should be celebrating all of those wins and recognizing how far you’ve come in the last year and years before that. You clearly laid some solid foundations to be able to cross off all of those goals.
I’m in a similar place; with the help of friends, family, and the Bramble Berry team, I’ve met 100% of my goals that I set 10 years ago and now need to vision what the next decade looks like. I’ve started working on it but it’s all a little murky right now. I pulled out my Jack Canfield “Success Principles” book and I’m going to go through it since that’s the book that set me on my last decade of goals. That book is incredible. If you haven’t read it and done the homework, it’s a fantastic place to start re-visioning what your next multi-year vision looks like.
Having a strong family life AND a business is a huge accomplishment. Congratulations on doing that, recognizing that and celebrating it. Celebrating the wins is such a key part of accomplishing. Here’s to a blessed 2016 with health, laughter, joy and success to you and your family. =) Thank you for being part of the Soap Queen community.
Thanks a lot for your replay Anne-Marie!
That is so funny, Jack Canfield’s book is the one that set me here, before reading this comment, today I had pull it out of my library and set it as my next to read list. Thanks a lot for the great community you had created.
I don’t know who I would pick for people that I admire, but I do know that number one person would be you Anne-Marie. 🙂
Oh that is SUCH a huge compliment. Thank you, Martina! That means a lot to me =))) You just made my week.
My first goal for 2016 is to set some goals!! Seriously, I need to take better care of myself so that I can take care of others. I need to set some business goals so that I can focus on my Healing Business, finish massage school, and quit my 9-5 job. I think I just set my goals!!
Ha, setting goals is a great first step! Good luck on focusing on your business and finishing school Kyla. 🙂
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
My goals are to focus & execute all the things I have spent my time learning about in 2015. I have spent time reflecting on why I haven’t hit the level of success I want & it comes down to focus, lack of attention to detail & confidence. My core values include hard work & compassion. Really excited to see what I can accomplish in 2016!
Great post!!
Focus, attention to detail and confidence are definitely important, and I think they’re great things to work on in 2016. Best of luck to you Carlee! Thanks for sharing. 🙂
-Kelsey with Bramble berry
Thank you for posting such a concise way to establish and successfully complete goals. I love the thought of writing down our 5 core values and tying them into achieving our goals.
My goals for 2016 include gaining my certifications through the Handcrafted Soap Guild (by years end). I am also (Q1) developing custom spreadsheets (with my husband) for financial/ P&L tracking and inventory costing- specifically for small and start up soaping businesses. The end goal is to create a consulting firm for handcrafted bath & body small businesses.
Both of these will rely on Decisiveness, Creativity, and Adventure, while being Hopeful and Kind.
Thank you so much for the inspiration, and Happy New Year!
This post is exactly what I needed. I’ve been thinking a lot about our goals, my goals, and how over the years, we’ve got caught up in making loose goals because life happens, and things get circumnavigated anyway. I have determined that this year will be the beginning of changes so that we can move forward with clear direction, and as you have put it a “North Star”. I’m a little late to the game and won’t have them done by tomorrow, but my husband and I are having some time later to pray in the new year and go over our family goals for the year. My personal core values are faith, family, integrity, hard work, and compassion for people. My personal goals aren’t set yet, but putting faith more at the front, achieving specific financial goals, and going full bore with soap are just a few. 🙂
I am revisiting my comment because I have spent a lot of time thinking about my specific goals for 2016. Since it has been so long since I’ve done this, I wanted to make sure I set myself up for success 🙂 Anne-Marie’s suggestions about core values is wonderful – my faith and my family are the core to my life and truly shape the decisions I make. Those are the two primary, anyway. When looking at my goals for the year, I decided I wanted to focus on 7 key areas: Intellectual, Physical, Spiritual, Family, Social, Career, and Financial. To each of those areas I allotted goals keeping in mind the SMART method (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely). What a fantastic way to build a road map for the year. Some goals for the year: Read 12 books this year (4 non fiction, 4 spiritual growth), Have date nights with my daughters each quarter, Invite a couple over for dinner every couple of months, Start the no junk food challenge, Dive deeper into soap making – learn the details and specifics about the science. There are more, but you get the gist.
Again – thank you for this post – it pushed me to do something that was already brewing in my head 🙂
Have you ever read any of the John Assaraf books? His book ‘The Answer’ has a similar set of key areas to always focus on.
I just was out last night with two of my Mastermind Group friends and one of the women in the group with older (adult) children recommended that date night thing for me too to do with each kid. I’m going to implement that this year as well. Chris and I (pre-kids) used to do 1 big monthly dinner at our house with at least 8 people and the rule was that we couldn’t invite someone that had come to our home in the last 11 months. That was SUPER fun. Post-kids, that’s turned into more play dates =) I LOVE your goals. I can’t wait to hear how they go. You’ve got fantastic balance with the family and personal growth for this year.
Throughout the years (my kids are now 17 & almost 14) we have tried to slip in the date nights as we could time and finance wise. I can’t speak highly enough about them, so I definitely encourage you to do them with your kiddos! It shows them that we value them enough to carve out that one on one time. And, it can be as simple as going to McDonalds for a sundae, or a walk to the park. Just anything to connect with them As they have gotten older, the conversations have deepened sometimes, and more memories have been made that I will cherish forever 🙂
Thanks for the recommend on the book – I am looking for my first book read of the year 🙂
My core values are spirituality, giving, sharing, success and gratefulness. My goals for this year are to reconnect with my spiritual side as that has been an area that i have let go of but miss so much and it has always helped me. I want to give of myself, my talents and my time to others. I want to be able to share things with my husband without worry of what he might think. I want to be successful in my new gymnastics gym that I just opened in order to provide for my family. And I want to be more grateful for the things i do have and the little moments in life that we take for granted.
Thank you so much for sharing your amazing goals Amanda! Also, I hope your gymnastics gym has a great year. 🙂
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
Honestly, self improvement, intelligence, empathy & compassion, and being true to myself and my desires are my core values, I think.
This coming year I’m going back to school, I’m seriously studying things I’ve always wanted to (you know, like making soap!) but never had a chance to before, and I am on a quest to constantly be learning and bettering myself. I also have stereotypical goals of “lose some weight, don’t let the cookies get to you, those monsters!”
But one step at a time, right? 🙂
That’s awesome, congratulations on going back to school Beth! It’s going to be such a fun and exciting year for you. Thanks for your comment! 🙂
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry
I think my main core value would be caring for others. That’s the one I value most in others. I plan to provide the best customer service that I can for my customers.
That’s an amazing value! Thanks for sharing Angie. 🙂
-Kelsey with Bramble Berry