Made by Nature’s Best Soap with actual potato water, this soap is fragranced with Anise Essential Oil. I have hidden it downstairs in the guest room shower for when my Mom visits. She loves, loves, loves a good black licorice and this is one of the best!
The lather is dense, holds up and my skin felt baby soft when I was all toweled off.
Master soapmaker, Duane, says this about the soap:
My initial thoughts were to promote the soothing benefit of potato to skin. An old wives tale promoted raw potato to treat sunburn is one of the things we read when researching about 12 years ago and decided to make a soap with actual potato. We’ve had a number of anecdotal stories over the years from people who rave about the soap with potato and the effect it has on mature skin.
We use our basic soap recipe for the potato soaps (Original Spud – scented with Juniper Sage from Brambleberry, our Huckleberry Spud, our Tater Bar also scented with BB’s Juniper Sage). We treat the potato as any additive such as powdered luffa or powdered rosehips.
Thanks for all the nice comments and thanks to Anne-Marie for posting about our soap. We feel very humbled by the attention 🙂
I love Duane and Nancy’s packaging. A few years ago, I was in the Idaho Airport (trying out for the Martha Stewart Apprentice show of all things!) and came across their soaps in a gift store. They looked great on the shelves because the packaging was so professional. Their products easily stood up to anything that was already there that was made “by the big guys.” I was really proud of them. =)
Duane and Nancy’s soaps are soooooooo nice and a bonus is that they are made by two of the sweetest people around, *hugs you both* =)
I think Potato soap sounds like a very interesting soap to make .
I would like to know if any changes were made to your basic recipe ? The packaging is XLNT !!
they make the coolest soaps.
Michelle in NV
i like the fact it came in a small potato sack! great packaging
Oh, I see from their site that they have a Huckleberry Spud Soap. That might be a better match for my nose!
Now you’ve got me totally intrigued (dare I admit to having mature skin??). I’d like to try it, but unfortunately I don’t care much for anise.