Meet Toby, my new nephew puppy!
He’s a Boston Terrier that enjoys long naps with his checkered blanket, wrestling with his hedgehog stuffed animal and looking cute (he’s obviously really good at that).
See Sammy (niece dog #1) and Toby bonding over dinner on my brother Erik’s blog, The Soap King. They’re going to be best friends!
OMG he is so sweet!!! I would love to have a Boston Terrier I would call him “Bogart” LOL.
He’s got that whole cute thing down pat!
Oh he is soooooooooooo sweet!!!
Yeah ok that puppy is way too cute. Call off the internets, its over!
Seriously my heart just melted all over the place. Thank you so much for this morning dose of cute!
OOOh! kiss his fat bits on his head for me. He looks like he smells nice!
Utterly adorable!
He randomly ate all kinds of fun things while we baby sat him at BB today. Whoops…teething, I guess!
I am completely, utterly, head over heels in love with the little guy. He is sooooo cute!
He is just too cute!
OMGoodness! Toby is just adorable!
What a gorgeous puppy!
He’s sooooo cutteeeeee!!!!! <3