This is totally random. I read it in Women’s Health magazine and thought the factoids were quirky and fun. Enjoy!
The number of Hershey’s Milk Chocolate bars produced yearly could stretch 303,835 miles.
Americans eat 350 slices of pizza a second, which works out to 100 acres per day or 66 miles per year.
Dunkin’ Donuts sells enough, well donuts every year to circle the earth 5.8 times.
About 300 million boxes of Jell-O are produced a year. End to end, they would reach three-quarters of the way around the globe.
— Women’s Health from December 2006
I know – I was totally hungry when I typed out the post too! =) A good donut sounds mighty tempting right about now!
Michelle, I didn’t know that factoid about American’s eating half of the world’s food. Wow … and actually, how much of that “half” ends up in the garbage I wonder?
Oh that’s just great~ I’m trying to be good, not snackin’ or anything, & I see this post. Chocolate, donuts, Jell-O- did I mention chocolate? These Food Factoids are fun to know…I’m going to work-out now :).
Americans eat too much. We eat over half the worlds portion of food 🙁