It is officially fall in the Pacific Northwest. And, while I’m extremely sad about this (summer is my favorite time of year), it does make some really gorgeous photos and fall activities, like hiking, apple orchards and park time. Ms. Lily is almost 5 months old and she is happier than ever (unless of course, you interrupt her afternoon nap in which case, she doesn’t forgive you for a few hours and shares her frustration by screaming loudly at you).

We went to Whatcom Falls Park this week and checked out the fish (happy, happy fish!) and had a breakthrough! Breakthrough! Jamisen has hated swings, of all types. He never liked being in the baby seat swings, big boy swings, sitting in our laps while trying to swing … nada. But this time, we got him to swing for at least 37 seconds and check out that grin. Whoah! Yeaah, little boy, lovin’ a traditional childhood past time. For all of 37 seconds. But hey, he has to start somewhere.
We also went to an apple orchard. Jamisen loved this terribly unsafe rocking horse thing. I say it’s terribly unsafe because the rocking horse is on concrete. I love that place but was somewhat terrified as Jamisen rocked his little body in an unstable manner over extremely unforgiving ground.
The reason Jamisen isn’t looking at me (and I have 15 photos just like this one) is because he’s staring at the donuts that are being made fresh, right in front of him. Apple Cider donuts, hold the sugar, because Chris is such a conscientious Daddy.
I’m so glad to hear you are having a happy fall. Enjoy it–you deserve it! Thank you for all that you do for our company and other. Blessings to you and yours!
Thanks Billie! How is soaping going? I checked out your site and it looks like you’ve expanded your line since we last chatted and are doing quite a few shows. Back in ‘the day’ I loved doing shows because of the connection to the customer – and selling retail pricing is always nice. It’s fantastic to hear from you. =))
Lovely photos Anne-Marie. Wee Lily looks such a happy relaxed wee babe, and what a neat photo of Jamison with his huge FRESH apple, arent we lucky able to get fruit straight from the tree. Thanks for sharing. Lovely to watch the changes in your family. Both growing so quickly!
She is a relaxed little one – so the question is, am I a more relaxed Mother or is she really just that chill and happy? It’s hard to know! =)
They are growing so fast. I cuddled with Lily this morning for an hour (she got up at 5) and rather than being annoyed, felt blessed that I got little baby snuggles.
Las Vegas??? Please please please be considering a shop/classes/etc here!!!
Hi Rebecca,
Just got home last night – was at the Fortune Growth Summit and this happened:
Whoah! So excited to introduce such a big crowd of businesspeople to soapmaking =)
As for showing up in your home, you might try our Soap Crafting classes next quarter – there’s a livestreaming classroom component AND a video + exclusive forum:
I’m having such a fun time getting to know soapers in the forum and love that I’m able to connect with so many of them (you!) through technology. Gotta love digital…
Hope to see you there digitally – or teach you in person one day.
Beautiful pictures of wonderful children. Enjoy your family, they grow so fast!
Greetings from Switzerland, Sonja
Thank you! And, I’m totally biased but I do think they are quite the wonderful little happy children who (knock on wood!) seem to enjoy life, smiling and generally being cheerful little kids. Let’s hope that trend keeps going.
I love watching your kids grow as mine do as well.
I find that Lily looks like my little Stella who is 6 and a half months old. Since she was born I found that they look alike. I guess we well see in a few more months! Enjoy the weather! It is starting to be cold in NYC but we have a lot of sun. 🙂
Ooooh, I love the name ‘Stella’. That was a runner up for Lily’s name but the whole great-grandmother connection really sealed the deal on Lily for us.
I found a photo of Stella but funny story, when I went in search of one, I totally fell in love with some of your soap descriptions so am going to place an order this week.
As for your Stella and my Lily, they are both sort of little follically-challenged (not quite bald, but really not excelling with hair) and have adorable round faces, so yes, they do look similar. I hope your Stella is as happy as Lily =)
I can’t wait to try your soap.
You have such a beautiful family, Anne-Marie! Jamisen and Lily are growing up so fast. It looks like autumn is gorgeous in the Pacific Northwest. Enjoy the season!
Autumn is amazing in the fall – just incredible. We really get the fall leaves turning beautiful colors, just like the east coast does. It’s a little gift for us to smile about before the weather turns =)
Your kids are beautiful, A-M! What fun ages! Mine are 21 and 17-and-1/2 now (son would want me to be sure to include the “1/2” LOL!), and I often miss those days! I do remember, though, how hectic life was when they were that young! Wow – I felt like I spent my whole life changing diapers and cleaning messes! Haha! 🙂
It goes so fast. I really can’t believe that Jamisen is talking, holding Lily and playing by himself (!!). I cherish and treasure every moment and really hold onto Lily even tighter because I know how fast it goes but yes, with two in diapers, I do change a lot of diapers! =)
Little Miss Lily is such a cutie-pie! I’m a former-wish-I-still-was Seattleite, so I love to see and hear about life in the Northwest. I’m glad your family got to enjoy some of the wonderful things it has to offer!
Carleigh, It’s never too late to come back and visit! We’ve been having the most ridiculous fall with very little rain. I mean, we’ve gotten some (and a few days, raining sideways) but the last week was so dry that we had to turn on the sprinklers to water the garden (I still have a fall Kale and Cucumber crop going). I love it here. It was in our wedding vows that we wouldn’t leave =)))
I love reading about you and your lovely family too over here in Australia. I agree with Joyce , you really are such an inspiration to so many people Anne- Marie. I only started making cold processed soap one year ago and thanks largely to you at brambleberry and all your videos I am having the time of my life making soap every day in so many gorgeous ways for my small heritage town market in Yackandandah. Thank you so much for everything you do and I wish you continued success. Kind Regards from Australia
Thank you Cindy! I love having a community to share all these fun milestones with. It’s like having friends all over the world.
I love that you learned to make soap mostly from me. That’s such a huge compliment! I am planning 2014 right now and have some really fun project ideas in the works for cold process soapers.
Thank you for being a reader and for commenting. I really appreciate it.
You have a beautiful family, Anne-Marie. I enjoy reading your family updates and seeing your happy children. Thanks also for all your MP “recipes” and great products. Best wishes from southern Ohio!
Another MP fan! I promise to get back to doing more MP soon. I’ve been on such a CP kick lately! =)
The kids are so happy and joyful. I can’t take any credit for that. They both came out that way.
Jamisen is currently playing with all his coins in his piggyback (happily and quietly) and Lily is squawking at me from her little chair as I write. Chris and I feel extremely lucky =)
Hi, I truly enjoy all your pictures, I have been following your site for a couple of years now, you are the one I watched that taught me how to make M&P soap, you are very inspirational, not just for me I am sure. Love your little baby, she is so cute, your son is really a sweetheart too. Keep up the great work…
Oh, thank you so much for letting me know you learned to make MP soap from me. That is such a compliment. And, I have a lot of MP and non cold process soap projects coming this fall. After the book, I’ve been on a CP kick but really need to get back to doing melt and pour. =)
I think the kids are awfully cute too … but I’m just a teensy bit biased! Thanks for being part of the Soap Queen community.