I just bought a bunch of prints from this artist – all positive, happy sayings. I am going to frame them and put them up one by one in our hallway. They will look great in a row – and hopefully inspire everyone that walks by. If you have mental blocks you’d like to overcome (“I just can’t sell my products wholesale, I am too scared!”), replacing those negative thought patterns with a positive one (“I am easily walking into stores with samples and they love my products!“) takes frequent repetition, work and energy. These little sayings on my walls will help with my ‘repetition’ part.
Check out Valentina Ramos if you’re looking for affordable prints that inspire you every day.
Thanks for the suggestion! =) I agree – natural colorants can be difficult to get consistent colors from.
I’m glad you like the app – we’re improving it this month by adding LIQUID SOAP calculations to it. =)
I think that your soap knowledge is awesome! And the signs are great, too. 🙂 I have an idea for one of your videos, if you haven’t done one already – natural soap colourants. (I’m specifically interested in alkanet root powder – I’m finding it difficult to get consistent results.) As usual, I’ll stay tuned. And I love the app, by the way! 🙂
Fantastic – thank you for visiting my blog. =) And, I am so excited to get your artwork and put it up in my home.
Anne-Marie, THANK YOU so much for posting my print here 🙂 I was talking about keeping positive here http://springinspiration.com/s…
And thank again for your order! 🙂
Oh this sounds just what i need! Thanks Anne-Marie – you are a Star!!!
If you’re looking for information about to reprogram your thought pattern to have better self-confidence, “The Success Principles” book has a chapter on affirmations and ‘switching’ your thought process around. I love using his techniques for switching my negative self-talk to positive self-talk. Here’s the link to his book: http://www.amazon.com/Success-…
I LOVE THAT! What a great affirmation. I have a few that I use to psych myself up daily too. Right now, my favorite thing is to wake up and say with as much enthusiasm as I can muster, “It’s going to be a GREAT day!” My husband tolerates this (bless him) but it’s just such a good way for me to get in and STAY IN that positive frame of mine =)
You are so right, Dee. Everyone has moments of doubt – and it’s our job to talk ourselves right out of that moment of doubt. Of course, there is a fine line between delusion and staying positive though! =) I just try super hard to reframe everything in a positive framework but sometimes, yeah, it’s hard. I think the positive artwork will definitely help.
I would certainly need more self confidence!! Thanks for the post and the beautiful prints idea!!
Anne Marie, I love the positive thoughts, I am a fan and I repeat many times, now my thought is to say, I am ready to sell my products, because I believe in myself and in my ability. In my blog every day use to put some positive thoughts to help people who read them.
I’m definately checking out that shop. I’ve got loads of self confidence,,but every once in a while a little self doubt creeps in…I think everyone has that happen to them..if they are truly honest with themselves!