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Going Vertical
Enthusiastic feedback flew in after posting this tutorial in the Bramble Berry Newsletter we just knew we had to share it with the Soap Queen Readers too! We are loving the possibilities with this new vertical mold! PS – Do you get our newsletter? It comes out monthly and has specials for newsletter subscribers only along with a recipe or technique that newsletter readers see before anyone else! Sign up on the Bramble Berry Home page.
Anne-Marie’s Story
As a child, I always thought I wanted to be in the FBI (that is, after I got over my desire to be the next Britney Spears or Madonna). Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be a business owner. Several things should have given me an inkling that business and me would be a good fit: I love numbers, genuinely enjoy hard work and multi-tasking, don’t mind long hours and lots of learning, and my brain is painfully analytic at times.
In high school, I ran a small business breeding angry Russian Dwarf Hamsters. My Dad, a doctor, helped me out by devising a birth control method for my hamsters so we could control their breeding (aka ‘sales’) cycles. During this interesting experiment, I ran ads in the local newspaper classifieds (no, Craiglist was not around yet) and drove my small little furious balls of fluff around to houses wanting to have an exotic pet. I learned a few things about business during this time period: 1. I liked retail sales 2. I liked interacting with people. 3. I liked making money in my sleep. The hamster business soon went by the wayside after I had to get my own apartment and realized I didn’t like my apartment smelling like hamsters. It was fine when it was in my parents’ house but once it was my own small, airless space, the hamsters had to go.
My Dad also helped me out with another valuable lesson: financial literacy. When my brother and I were 10 and 13, he got us small investment accounts and then sat us down every month to explain what a profit and loss statement was, what EBIDTA was and how a balance sheet related to a profit and loss statement. Contrary to what you would think, my brother and I ate this information up. We loved the idea of passive money making and both he and I have enjoyed a good grasp of budgeting ever since. This would later prove valuable when I founded my first ‘real’ business.
When I graduated with my 4 year degree in psychology (emphasis in criminal justice) at the ripe old age of 20 years old, I was ill-prepared for my chosen profession: law enforcement. Though I had interned with a police department and a medium security prison, actually working in a prison setting day in and day out was a poor fit for me. I was young, trusting, naïve and very blonde. Within a week of starting to work at the prison, I chopped my hair off to a crew cut and dyed it completely white blond. It wasn’t a good look. That should have been a clue that I was not cut out for corrections. Instead, I persevered for about nine months before I finally quit my job in a fit of misery, despair and just-barely-older-than-a-teenager-angst.
I had been making soap since I was 16 and selling it as a part time hobby since I was 18. My first wholesale account was a hardware store (the now defunct Traver’s Electric in Chehalis, WA) followed soon thereafter by a gym (Thorbeks in Centralia, WA). And, of course all of my Mom’s friends. My Mom has always been my biggest cheerleader, buying anything and everything I ever made. So, when I quit my job at the age of 20 years old with a vague plan to sell soap until I found another job in corrections, I had a bit of business experience with the hamsters and small soap business. But more importantly, I had the assurance that I’d at least sell a couple hundred dollars worth of soap to my Mom.
Within the first few weeks of quitting my job, with no one to support me and my then-student husband, I realized I needed to get serious so I rented my first ‘warehouse.’ Ah, who was I kidding? It was a glorified closet downstairs in a big cavernous old building. It was maybe 400 feet. But the second I moved into this closet and outside of my home, the entire enterprise was ‘real’. My parents quaked in fear at the idea of me quitting my job and throwing away my college education to sell soap but all I wanted to do was to be happy and love my job. So, I got to work, designing measurable tasks and doing an on-the-back-of-a-napkin business plan. It’s a good thing it was a napkin because things started happening quickly. As I sold soap at craft shows, I also recognized the amazing opportunity that I had been given and wanted to share that opportunity with others. It was incredible how much soap I could sell in one weekend and I knew if I had that sort of success, other women could and would as well.
So, I put $15,000 on a credit card, bought a pallet of soap, five fragrances and a handful of molds and started From the start, I knew that I loved working with women entrepreneurs and I also knew that there was something in my core that loved having complete control of my destiny. I had always been a very willful child, asked to leave a variety of scholastic institutions (despite getting straight A’s all the time) because of my headstrong nature. Being self-employed and calling all the shots suited me.
Unfortunately, knowing that I loved being self-employed didn’t pay the bills. So I set about making small goals: I put an ad up on my wall for a program at MIT for young entrepreneurs called the “Birthing of Giants” program, I made financial goals, I figured out how many customers we had to sell supplies to in a day and I started to work on a rudimentary marketing plan – all the while, selling soap on the weekends to keep paying the bills at home. The hard work started almost instantly. I was shocked at how many hours I could put in at the office, genuinely surprised at how I was constantly exhausted and in tears any time a customer wasn’t 100% thrilled with me. I hired my first employee from a temporary staffing agency which was a disaster. In addition to not knowing how to run a business, I really didn’t know anything about working with staff. It didn’t help that she was older than me. It was during this period that I started calling my employees ‘paid friends.’ This meant that I didn’t have very good boundaries with them so when they wanted to leave early for a ‘really great date’ or come in late because they partied too late the night before, I smiled and finished the work – at the expense of my personal time (and life). During our start up phase, I had so little time that only 2 friends ever saw my house in this six year period – that’s how little I entertained because I was at work so much.
We grew into the warehouse (aka ‘closet’) next door and had 800 feet of space that first year and grossed $70,000 – none of which I took home. I thankfully had craft shows and a few wholesale outlets to keep selling finished bars of soap at. Oh, and I had my Mom. She was good for at least $100 worth of soap per month. The early years weren’t easy. I’m glossing over the fact that I didn’t eat out at a restaurant more than one time in two years – and that was to celebrate my one year anniversary! And, that we didn’t have heat in our home for three straight Christmases and for a good few months, I didn’t actually have a floor because my fixer-upper house had rot in it and a fixer-upper-house was all I could afford. All of those tough times seem but a faint memory to me now but at the time, it was hard. And still, I loved being self-employed.
About this time, I founded because I was so passionate about helping other soapers figure out the ins and outs of soap without selling to them. Me and my team continue to run and it’s vibrantly active forum, 13 years later, as a free resource for soapers everywhere to learn and grow their craft.
As we continued to grow (grossing $280,000 in our 2nd full year in business), I started to hire staff and expect them to show up to work (a foreign concept up until then). Bramble Berry’s COO, Norman, started at the end of the year as a ‘Puller/Packer/Fragrance Pourer/Everything Man’ that year and between my maniacal optimism and his knack of organization, we started to put together a real company. We continued to rapidly grow through aggressive customer acquisition strategies and the Bramble Berry warehouse moved again in 2001 with my parents, my friends and all of our staff helping to pitch in. By the time Bramble Berry grossed its first million dollars, I was just 24 years old and any blinders I had about my own abilities had been lifted. I needed to go to school to learn how to run this company! I had employees who depended on a paycheck and many, many soapers who needed Bramble Berry to deliver on-time and on-budget to them. I enrolled in an MBA program for busy executives and augmented my online learning program with hands-on learning at MIT for three summers in a row. Though I felt as if my head was going to spin off its axis because it was going so many directions, the formal schooling gave me the tools I needed to keep Bramble Berry growing on a sustainable and stable path.
Unfortunately, the school did not temper my delusional optimism and in 2003, I started making plans for a retail store and shopping around for a new warehouse to buy. We had outgrown our space, yet again, and I started to realize that Bramble Berry was loan-worthy. I was turned down by almost every bank in our community which surprised me. We had five years of profitable growth to show and were being run in a reasonably responsible manner. But, after the dot-com crash, many banks were unwilling to loan on a purely online play and my youth and relative inexperience played against me. Finally, in early 2004, we found a banker willing to work with us and forged ahead with our warehouse purchase. We opened Otion, our retail store, in July 2004 and moved into our warehouse that same month. Between opening the retail store and buying a new warehouse, I almost bankrupted the company. We went $280,000 in debt in under one year’s time because I had underestimated the expenses it would take to retrofit our warehouse to our standards and how slowly cash would come in at the retail store. Apparently, if you open it, customers do not necessarily come. Even though I was in formal school to learn business, this period turned into the ‘School of Hard Knocks’ for cash flow, debt to income ratios and the expense of interest. Again, I was in over my head.
I turned to formal help, hiring a business coach and reaching out for mentors. And, slowly started getting the company back on track. Like turning a slow, lumbering ship around, we started to repay our debt with a vengeance. It was all I thought about – how to pay that debt. Bramble Berry, though profitable, is not a wildly profitable company. It never has been. We sell glorified commodities (example: coconut oil from us is the same as coconut oil from our esteemed competitors and we buy it on the open market along with all the other food manufacturers, cosmetic companies and bio-fuel producers in the world) and it makes the margins very low. We also compete with many smaller suppliers who do not have the same overhead we do. It took us many years to repay that debt, making trade-off after trade-off and sacrifice.
Right when the end was in sight, I had a set back in my personal life when my still-student-husband (7 years later if anyone is counting) and I parted ways. I left the marriage with nothing to my name, except my small company and our warehouse. I traded my house, most of my savings and everything I owned (save three paintings and my car) for the company that I had built from scratch. And so, I started the climb back out of the debt mountain a single woman, all the while feeling the extreme support from an incredible team at Bramble Berry that still included Norman who had now worked his way up from Packer to Warehouse Manager.
During the ‘Debt Years’, Bramble Berry continued to grow and as a team, we continued to refine our brand promise: fanatical customer service, orders shipped within 24 hours and extreme technical support. I appeared on Home Shopping Network that year many times, selling Bramble Berry soapmaking kits.
Bramble Berry purchased Labcolors around 2006 and started manufacturing an entire rainbow of colors, much to the dismay of my staff who went home many nights covered in blue dye. We also started having custom soap molds designed, adding fun molds like the Flying Pig and Hedgehog mold and we started dreaming big. In my limited spare time in the evenings, I started our blog and dove into social media concepts. Otion hadn’t quite hit its stride but we could see the genius in the concept as a franchise. Children seemed to love making soap at Otion, coming back for birthday party after birthday party. Sadly, an unscrupulous individual chose to embezzle funds from Otion around this time, taking with him all the profits for the entire year. It was a good wake up call that I needed to implement some serious controls for employees both at Otion and Bramble Berry so we started putting policies and procedures in place to ensure that it would be difficult to take advantage of us again. And, most importantly, I hired my younger brother Erik to run the retail store. He was always someone I could trust growing up and trust was more important to me than ever after the embezzlement betrayl. Now that I had a trusted team member, I knew would could finally expand the Otion store concept. I started spending a lot of time in Seattle looking for an Otion Location II.
Otion was and remains an awesome bricks’n’morter store; it’s fun, it’s profitable and it’s a wonderful creative outlet. I walked all the neighborhoods, I counted cars and traffic, I talked to shop owners, I engaged the services of a commercial broker and found the perfect location. We started lease negotiations and after two months of writing contracts back and forth, the lease fell through. I started spending more time in Seattle, finding another spot to start Otion II and I started talking to venture capitalists who thought the Otion store concept was a very nifty idea that they might want to invest in. During the middle of lease negotiations, the bottom fell out of the stock market and the entire world held its collective breath as we all watched to see what the US economy would do. In November, 2008, we put plans for an Otion Store II officially on hold and got serious about focusing on our core businesses, shrinking back a little and playing it safe. The crash brought opportunities and we engaged in many different conversations to buy many different businesses: a fiberglass parts business, a document storage business, a computer chipset maker but ultimately they all failed because no one on the management team was terribly passionate about any of the ideas. But when the opportunity to purchase Spinning Leaf’s Soap Mold Line and the domain name came up, we jumped, putting some money on our credit line, buying a CNC machine and a vaccum forming machine, hiring designers and getting into the soap mold business. is our latest venture and it sells all the same molds as Bramble Berry with a wholesale twist – three of the lines are produced or controlled by us so we can wholesale them to fellow vendors across the nation. We also launched our iPhone app in mid 2009 and Android app in 2011 to help soapmakers figure out how much lye they need for their soap on the fly. SoapQueen.TV, our free YouTube channel, was launched in 2009 and has grown to encompass more than 30+ DIY Soapmaking videos, including the ever popular soap cupcake video and the starter Cold Process series.
In 2010, we realized that Bramble Berry was again outgrowing its space. Rather than buy a new warehouse, we built onto our existing warehouse (while learning more than we ever wanted to know about the permitting process, cost overruns and why a General Contractor might have been a good idea). We moved into the warehouse late in 2011 and have quickly filled that space.
In 2012, we started our Instagram account, our Pinterest page and started manufacturing rebatch bases in-house. In 2013, I wrote Soap Crafting and embarked on a fantastically fun book experience, while nurturing a 1 month old. It was a busy summer!
2014 was a whirlwind of fun; the most exciting part of the year was launching Handmade Beauty Box – a monthly DIY Beauty Subscription box. It was a big project and I can’t wait to see where it goes!
I achieved my Masters Degree in soapmaking in 2015. You can read all about that adventure here. I also started using Meerkat and Snapchat this year so find me on Snapchat (bramble-berry) and Periscope (brambleberry) to get even more soap during your day. My next book is due out in 2016.
Running Bramble Berry has been a unique gift with many challenges but even more opportunities and joys. Being self-employed feels like a gift in and of itself and the ability to help other women entrepreneur’s all over the world is a dream come true.
I’m an avid reader and consistently borrow books from the library and purchase via Amazon, B&N and our local (awesome) Village Books. Check out the widget below to see what book I currently have my nose in!
New Herbs and Extracts!
to benefit from their unique properties. The oil soluble extracts (some are oil soluble, some are water soluble) can be used in balms too for an extra nourishing lotion bar, lip product or salve. The dried herbs can also be used as natural colorants, either as an oil infusion or some added directly to soap.
Soapylove Tutorial: Sparkly Strawberry Sorbet Soaps
Loofah Cold Process Soap Tutorial
Hearts, Love and Rainbows!
I’m New! Now What?!
Recently my friend Debbie wrote me on Twitter and told me she loved the handmade (cold process) soap I had given her for Christmas and wanted to learn how to make her own. She asked, “How do I start?” Since that’s probably a longer answer than 140 characters on Twitter will give me, Debbie, this blog post is for you!
1. Read this article on the types of soapmaking. The type of soap you want to make is ‘Cold Process Soapmaking.
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Rebatch Soap Cold Process Soap Melt and Pour Soap |
2. Watch the 4 *free* videos at SoapQueen.TV on Cold Process Soapmaking.
Lye Safety
Basic Terms
Using Fragrances & Essential Oils
Using Colorants
After learning more about the process, are you still interested in moving ahead?
If yes, keep going.
If not, soapmaking is super fun! Consider a slightly less labor intense method of soapmaking – Melt and Pour soap or Rebatching soap. Kits for Melt and Pour and Rebatching are here.
3. Keep educating yourself. is a great resource. The TeachSoap forum is helpful. All of the posts here tagged with “Cold Process” add to your knowledge base and the SoapDishForum is a fantastic learning opprtounity.
4. Order a beginner kit. It has everything you need to make your first batch of soap except the Lye. Order the lye along with the beginner kit. Beginner kit A is here. Beginner Kit B is here; Lye is here.
5. Make sure you have all your safety equipment – gloves, goggles, apron etc…
6. Get yourself to Goodwill to get a stainless steel bowl or glass bowl, a couple spatulas, spoons and invest $20 in a good Stick Blender.
7. Wait for your kit. Keep reading. Let your excitement build.
8. When the kit arrives, safety up! Goggles on! Gloves on! Cover those counters with newspaper. Lock pets outside. Children under 14 should be away from your soaping area. Find one hour of uninterupted time.
Testing 1, 2, 3!
Yes, I know I’m always declaring that this or that is my favorite. But I really mean it this time. . . for now, anyway. I love our new 12 bar square silicone mold. It is so perfect for testing soaps but also makes 12 perfect bars of soap in a flash! We do a lot of soap testing to ensure that each fragrance we carry is safe for use in cold process soap. For every fragrance you see at, we’ve tested at least 100 more (really, I swear, that is not an exaggeration) that didn’t make the cut.
Rather than go over the basics of how to make cold process soap again, I’m just going to share my basic technique for testing fragrances. If you’ve never made cold process soap before please learn about the safety precautions and basic steps first. My series of 4 videos about how to make cold process soap would be a great place to start. Episode 1: Lye Safety, Episode 2: Basic Terms, Episode 3: Using Fragrances, and Episode 4: Using Colorants. And if I catch you making soap without goggles, may the Soap Fairies forever take away your soaping luck.
Next, I weigh out all of my fragrances. It is really important when testing fragrance oils, like I am here, that everything is accurately weighed so that you can duplicate your successes .And, when all the fragrances are weighed out, you can just do a quick ‘dump ‘n’ stir’ – you need 12 little dishes if you’re working on 12 individual fragrances.
Next I mix my lye and oil and bring it to a very light light trace, after everything is prepped. Then I weigh out 4 ounces of soap batter into each container. I fill all 12 containers before moving on to the next step. You may have noticed that this recipe makes a little more than 48 oz. This is because you can never get every last drop of soap out of the pot, and with this recipe you are sure to have 4 full ounces for each bar.
Finally, I thoroughly mix in the fragrance into one of the cups (by hand with a spoon) and pour it into the mold. Then move on and do the next one. I have 12 individual spoons waiting to go. It’s the only way to ensure no scent contamination.
For clean-up there are a couple of ways you can tackle the job. You can wipe out the wet soap with a paper towel and then immediately run very hot water into the cups to wash the oily mess down the drain. Or you can wait a couple of days and wash the fresh soap out the cups. The waiting method is easier – but it only works if you have the space and enough containers that you don’t need them for a few days!
Do you have other testing tips and techniques? I’d love to hear them!
Part 2: Using Silicone Molds with M&P – Tips and Projects
In my first post about using silicone molds with melt and pour soap, I gave some tips about using these intricate molds and how to avoid surface flaws. Today I will touch on using different bases and colorants, how to enhance the designs, and how to make a cute jewelry filled soap purse (click here for the mold).
Using different bases and colorants:
The neat thing about these molds is that they can have a lot of fine detail and a variety of textures. To get the biggest impact, experiment with your mold to see if clear, pearly (clear base with mica color), or opaque shows off the design the best. You will find that each will have a very different look depending on your mold. For the purse, my favorite was an opaque base with pastel color. For my Typography Soap mold (which I made), I prefer clear with just a hint of color. There’s no hard-and-fast rule about what’s the most effective because all designs are unique!
Enhancing the design:
Sometimes you want a little extra “oomph.” I like to use a cosmetic blush brush and some pearly mica to do just that. First just use the mica in the lid of your jar. This will be plenty. Just swirl your brush in the powder, tap it on the lip of your jar to remove any excess and gently brush the surface of your soap. By going light, you can control the intensity of your color. See what a difference the mica makes?
Jewelry Box Filled Purse:
For a quick and fun version of the ever popular “toy in soap” idea, here is a fun way to play up the purse shape. Take a lip butter pot and fill it with acrylic craft gems (you could put something special in there, but I did have some soap seep inside, so keep that possibility in mind).
Next, fill your mold 1/4 way with soap and allow to form a thick skin. Make sure to pop all bubbles so your layering isn’t noticeable. Now close the lid on the lip butter pot and gently push it into the soap skin. Hold it for a few moments to let the soap “grab” and solidify. Then spray the jar with alcohol and top off with soap. Allow to harden and unmold!
I hope you have enjoyed my posts about using these super fun molds. It’s so incredible what shapes can be made! You may even want to try your hand at your own original designs with Bramble Berry’s Flexy Fast!
Here’s a little silicone mold entertainment. Enjoy!
Soapylove Technique Post: Using Silicone Molds with M&P, Part 1
If there’s anything that makes glycerin soap crafting even more of a joy, it’s using silicone molds. The shapes, textures, and amount of detail is mind blowing, plus the ease of unmolding can’t be beat! Today I’m going to discuss some tips to make your soaps as amazing as possible, and avoid any disappointing results (and in my next post I’ll give you some project ideas, too!). I used the Bramble Berry “Kudos Sunflower Handbag Silicone Mold.”
For starters, it can be hard to guess how much soap each mold holds (hard if you don’t read the description on the site like me!). So to determine the capacity of a mold, just fill it with water, then pour that into a measuring cup. Voila! That’s how much you need (add 1/2 oz more to make up for soap left in your cup).
The main challenge using these intricately detailed molds is that the textures can sometimes trap bubbles, causing gaps in the design or holes in the soap surface. Here’s an example of what that can look like:
Avoiding this is easy – it just takes some attention while you’re pouring. First, spray the surfaces of the mold lightly with rubbing alcohol before you pour. This helps pop bubbles on contact and thins the soap slightly so it flows into the tiny details better. Next, pour your soap pretty hot so it’s not thick at all. Just make sure that you don’t overheat your soap, causing bubbles.
Once you have poured, allow it to sit on the counter and harden at room temperature. Since the molds are so soft, it’s hard to move them without squeezing your soap and spilling or wrinkling the soap surface. Also, the silicone insulates very well, making it take longer to cool than in a traditional hard plastic mold.
Getting the soap out is definitely the fun part! Just pull the sides of the mold away from the soap – there will be no resistance at all – and stretch it while pushing the soap up and out. It’s super easy!
In my next post I will talk about using different soap base colorants, how to enhance the surface design, and how to make a jewelry-filled soap purse. I hope to see you then! 🙂
Happy melting and pouring!
Natural Beeswax Christmas Ornaments
If you have a fake tree this holiday season, then you’re probably missing out on the fabulous Christmasy scent of pine tree; it just goes with Christmas. I’ve figured out a way to have your cake and eat it too. Or should I say have your fake tree and smell it too? However you want to phrase it, these wax ornaments are all natural, easy to make, and will definitely bring your some Christmas olfactory cheer. Check out this tutorial for another beeswax ornament idea!
Get everything you need in the click of a button!
Infused Annatto Seeds? Check out this episode of Soap Queen TV to learn how to infuse Annatto Seeds in oil for an all natural colorant.
NOTE: If you have a big tree you’re going to want to make a bigger batch. And if you dare, you can even add more essential oil so it’s extra piney! This recipe makes 8 ounces total (two bells and eight trees).
ONE: In the microwave (and in a microwave safe container) melt 8 ounces of Yellow Beeswax. Be very careful when melting beeswax in the microwave, it has a pretty high melting point. Just make sure that you melt the wax in short bursts stirring between sessions.
TWO: Once the wax is melted, add 1/2 ounce of Fir Needle Essential Oil and 1/2 ounce of Cedarwood Essential Oil. Mix well and pour into the mold. Then add the twisty ties making sure half of the tie is sticking out.
(NOTE: The Christmas Tree Flexible Mold and Flexible Bell Mold have been discontinued. They have been substituted with the 6 Cavity Christmas Assortment Silicone Mold.)
Cheery Holiday Cold Process Soap Tutorial
Two days ahead of time, make your cranberry embeds This is an unscented batch of soft soap that is almost play dough like in its consistency. The batch is a small 45 oz. size and is meant to fit into our Silicone Pans.
Wearing full safety gear and following basic CP principles (unsure about CP soap? Watch the FREE SoapQueen.TV tutorials on CP soap here), make your soap.
Add Burgundy Oxide and Merlot mica at thin trace and stick blend in. If you want to ensure no clumps at all, pre-mix color with 2 tsp of oil. Pour your soap and do not insulate. To keep the soap softer and more pliable, not going through gel phase is essential.
After the soap has set-up for just one day, use a melon baller, a cookie dough batter tool or just cut into squares and round off the corners and form with your hands. If the soap is too sticky, mix a little flour with Merlot Mica and apply to your hands to keep your hands from getting sticking to the soap.
Next make layers 1, 2 and 3: Get your soap to thin trace then, separate it into three batches. This recipe is designed to give a good amount of working time for multiple swirls and layers.
Green Soap: 20 oz soap batter with Emerald Labcolor and Green Chrome Oxide. Add approximately 1 oz fragrance.
White Soap Mix: 20 oz soap batter with Super Pearly White. Add approximately 1 oz fragrance.
Black Soap Mix: 12 oz soap batter with Black Iron Oxide and Vintage Gray Mica. Add approximately 3/4 oz fragrance.
Add the fragrance right before you pour so that if your fragrance accelerates trace you will still have time to embed your cranberry inclusions.
Fragrance the white layer of soap. Pour a thin layer of white soap over the black/green mixture. Add the Cranberry Inclusions, two by two, spacing evenly along projected bar cut lines. Pour the rest of the white soap.
Spoon or pour the remainder of the black and green swirl over the Cranberry Inclusions/White layer.
For the last layer: Split the batch into two containers.
Red Soap: 7 oz soap batter blended with Burgundy Oxide and Merlot Mica. Approximately 1/2 oz fragrance blend.
Uncolored Soap: 11 oz soap batter with approximately 3/4 oz fragrance oil.
Swirl the colored soap and white soap together. Pour over the Green/Black layer.
Insulate well and allow to harden for a minimum of 2 days before cutting. To ensure your soap is mild and hard, be sure to make your soap by November 15th so it can dry for a full 4-6 weeks before the big day!
Soapylove Tutorial: Cute as a Button Soaps