I *love* the handcrafted aspect of the soap packaging here. It’s an very inspiring story with a very nice web presence and branding. They’ve even been on t.v. Here’s the clip.
Tutorials on soapmaking, bath fizzies, lotions and more
Filed Under: Personal Ramblings
I *love* the handcrafted aspect of the soap packaging here. It’s an very inspiring story with a very nice web presence and branding. They’ve even been on t.v. Here’s the clip.
Filed Under: Personal Ramblings
Just saw this fun little video on what happens when you put a bar of Ivory soap in the microwave. If anyone’s a chemistry buff out there and can tell me why that reaction happened, I would be very interested!
There is also a more grainy, slightly more irritating version of this video that actually shows the consistency of the exploded-microwave-soap. It turns out that exploded Ivory soap is somewhat hard and flaky. Who knew?
And, the Europeans are microwaving their soap. Their soap microwaves differently than Ivory but still poofs up very impressively.
Dove also acts differently than Ivory when microwaved.
Filed Under: Personal Ramblings
Did you hear that washing hands with plain soap and water is as effective as using the expanding range of sanitizers or antibacterial soaps if done correctly and often? This is great news for handcrafted soapmakers! The study was conducted by the Harvard Health Letter and found that just washing with soap and water for 15 seconds removed 90% of bacteria. They cautioned, however, that many people do not wash their hands often enough or dry them thoroughly. Wikipedia also supports the notion that there is no evidence stating that antibacterial soap is better for cleaning your hands or body.
Filed Under: Personal Ramblings
I am so excited about our new Limited Edition fragrance Sugared Walnut. It should be here any day now! It smells delicious. I don’t think the name “Sugared Walnut” does it quite justice because it has an amazing blend of Blood Orange, Asian Mandarin, Brown Sugar, Roasted Walnut, Hazelnut Coffee, Black Anise Seed, Earthy Patchouli, Madagascar Vanilla, and a Full Musk dry down Doesn’t that sound incredible? In our multiple cold process soap tests, the fragrance did not discolor too dark either so I am keeping my fingers crossed that it will stay a nice tan nutty brown for our soapers.