I started Soap Queen in 2007. At the time, blogging was relegated to dark and cobweb laden corners of the internet. I started to blog because I wanted a direct outlet to speak to fellow soapers and Bramble Berry customers. As Bramble Berry had grown, I couldn’t answer every single email myself, pack every box, and talk to all our customers one-on-one. I knew I missed that connection and a blog seemed like a way to get it back. Plus, a blog seemed like the perfect way to share soap tips, recipes and techniques. Experimenting with soapy recipes and techniques is always fun with more friends to share it with. Finally, I was hoping that blogging could be used to further personal connections with friends and soapers all around the world because blogging also allowed me to share my everyday life in the form of more personal posts.
Since 2007, the Soap Queen has grown in size, style and professionalism. When I started blogging…I didn’t really know what I was doing. I didn’t own a fancy camera, nor did I always write particularly valuable content (check out this early post). Many posts included no pictures, and were only a paragraph or two. My goal was simply to write something every day … but that was pretty daunting back then. So at first this blog served more as a personal journal, with soap techniques and tips sprinkled in.
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