Happy Easter from our family to yours. I hope you’re all having a fantastic day. We are having a low key family day today.
Jamisen found an old Roomba vacuum cleaner and is letting it chase him around (literally; that is happening as I type). Lily is with my Mom reading and my husband Chris is installing a new mailbox with a lock on it. We’ve had a rash of mail thefts in our neighborhood lately. If you follow me on Snapchat (user name: bramble-berry), you saw my at-home work out today (treadmill + YouTube video for strength training with a fitness band). Weekends are tough to fit workouts in when you have two little kids so YouTube is my go-to for effective, fast workouts that I can do at home.

Why yes, that is a Keep Calm and Make Soap mug …
The weather was perfect yesterday so we ended up doing Easter a day early so we could hide eggs outside – and, thank goodness we did because it’s raining sideways today.
The kiddos, including cousin Alise who is almost 18 months old now, had a blast coloring Easter eggs and enjoying a lot of Easter candy. I try to limit sugar intake around the house, so every bit of candy is a real treat. The kids know the no-sugar-drill so were opening eggs as they hunted so they could maximize their one day candy intake. I personally fell face down in a bowl of Cadbury Cream Eggs and would like to request a do-over for that massive amount of sugar intake. I have a soft spot for those little fluffy chocolate eggs of goodness and mallow.
Later in the day we enjoyed a mostly nutritious Easter meal of quiche (two kinds – feta/kale and scallion/gouda) and roasted veggies (cauliflower and asparagus). My Dad brought traditional Hot Cross Buns and lime-soaked polenta for dessert. It was a joy to enjoy quality time with the family, including my parents, brother and sister-in-law. My folks even watched the kids so Chris and I could get a rare date night last night; we so rarely get a night with just each other that it was a real treat. I hope you’re having a wonderful Easter weekend with your family as well.