You may have noticed recently that Bramble Berry’s Facebook page has changed just a little bit. You also may have wondered what happened to all the old features and where they went! Never fear, we are here to answer those questions for you.
As of March 30th of this year, Facebook permanently rolled out the new timeline feature, changing all pages from the original Facebook format to the new timeline format. There are so many new and exciting ways you can use timeline. We have some helpful hints on how to navigate the new timeline as well as making your page work for you.
One big change in the new timeline is the interface of the commenting feature. It is no longer featured as part of your main page. The new and sleek commenting interface has given customer comments a new life! This way, you can efficiently find, respond and answer all of your comments. It may seem that at first the comments section may be a little difficult to find. All you need to do is go to the front page of the timeline you are looking at and find a little button that looks like this: [Read more…]